Garry B (26 Jun 2022)


Colossians 2:16-17

"In respect of a HOLY DAY, or of the NEW MOON, or of the SABBATH DAYS which are A SHADOW of THINGS TO COME, but the BODY IS OF CHRIST."

"A SHADOW" is always inextricably connected to whatever it is that is CASTING the shadow.  "THINGS TO COME" are future prophecies yet to be fulfilled. This Scripture tells us that Jesus Christ, in His BODY, HAS MARKED THE DAYS, with His shadow, on which HE WILL FULFILL future prophetic events that are inextricably connected TO HIM on the day of a FEAST OF THE LORD, or on the day of a NEW MOON , or on the day of a SABBATH .

This Scripture also tells us that CHRIST’S BODY is what is casting HIS SHADOW on the days that He has MARKED BY HIS SHADOW on which He, HIMSELF will BODILY fulfill future PROPHECIES TO COME. The days which Jesus has marked, BY HIS SHADOW, to fulfill future prophecies BY HIM BODILY will occur on a HOLY FEAST DAY, or on a NEW MOON DAY, or on a SABBATH DAY.


We are watching for Jesus to BODILY APPEAR to BODILY fulfill the future prophecy of the resurrection & rapture of His Elect Body of Christ Church. Jesus has MARKED THE DAYS on which we can expect Him to BODILY FULFILL BOTH the resurrection/rapture and the second coming PROPHECIES.



Because the above Scripture (Colossians 2:16-17) was given to the Apostle Paul as the Gospel of Christ by AFTER the three 'Spring Feasts of the Lord' and 'Pentecost' were already FULFILLED PROPHECY at the time; the ONLY Feasts of the Lord this Scripture can be speaking of are the YET TO BE FULFILLED, three 'Fall Feasts of the Lord' which will be fulfilled AT THE LORD'S SECOND COMING.

The ONLY ONE of the seven Feasts of the Lord that ALWAYS falls on the NEW MOON is the Feast of Trumpets which ALWAYS falls on the New Moon of Tishri 1 on God's Lunar Calendar. The following list of future dates shows when the Feast of Trumpets FALLS ON A SEVENTH-DAY SATURDAY SABBATH:

In 2022 the Feast of Trumpets falls on the New Moon of Tishri 1, which is Monday, September 26, 2022************ Disqualified because there is not 1,260 days between today and the Feast of Trumpets in 2022

In 2023.................................................................................................................Saturday, September 16, 2023************ Disqualified because there is not 1,260 days between today and the Feast of Trumpets in 2023 

In 2024................................................................................................................ Thursday, October 3, 2024************Disqualified because there is not 1,260 days between today and the Feast of Trumpets in 2024

In 2025.................................................................................................................Tuesday, September 23, 2025************ Disqualified because there is not 1,260 days between today and the Feast of Trumpets in 2025

In 2026.................................................................................................................Saturday, September 12, 2026************Perfect timing for a 3 1/2 year tribulation beginning on Nisan 10, 2023

In 2027.................................................................................................................Saturday, October 2, 2027************Perfect timing for a 3 1/2 year tribulation beginning on Nisan 10, 2024

The prophecy of Christ's Second Coming APPEARS TO BE MARKED to occur on the Fall FEAST OF THE LORD (Holy day) that falls on both a NEW MOON, and also on a SABBATH DAY. The next FEAST OF TRUMPETS that falls on the NEW MOON of Tishri 1, 2026 which also falls on the Saturday Sabbath occurs on September 12, 2026.


The prophecy of the resurrection & rapture APPEARS TO BE MARKED to occur on a Saturday SABBATH forty-two ( 42 ) months or 1,260 days  prior to that date which is Nisan 10, 2023 , the 'Day of Palms', that falls on the Saturday SABBATH April 1, 2023.  That is a VERY GOOD DAY TO WATCH !

According to Your Holy Word, come Lord Jesus !