Jesus was asked, "What shall be THE SIGN of thy coming ? ( Matthew 24:3 )
Jesus answered, and revealed THE LAST "SIGN" WE WILL SEE just BEFORE HE COMES FOR THE REDEMPTION of our bodies, which is the RESURRECTION of the dead bodies in Christ , and the RAPTURE of our living bodies in Christ , according to :
Luke 21:20 ( Jesus reveals the 'last sign' we will see before the rapture )
"And WHEN YOU SHALL SEE Jerusalem compassed with ARMIES, THEN KNOW that the desolation thereof IS NEAR." ( The "armies" spoken of here are the Gog-Magog Armies. )
Luke 21:28 ( Jesus says that when we see the 'last sign' begin to happen that our rapture is near )
"And WHEN these things BEGIN to come to pass, THEN LOOK UP, and lift up your heads for YOUR REDEMPTION draws near."
What are "THESE THINGS", or "SIGNS" , that Jesus says we will see "BEGIN" to happen that tell us "WHEN" to "LOOK UP" ?
They are LISTED for us, by Jesus, beginning with ( Luke 21:20 ), and continuing through ( Luke 21:27 ).
So, what is 'THE LAST SIGN' that Jesus says we are to "LOOK UP" and see "BEGIN" to happen BEFORE our rapture ? Jesus gives the answer to that question according to :
Luke 21:20 ( Jesus speaking )
"And WHEN YOU SHALL SEE Jerusalem compassed with ARMIES , THEN KNOW that the desolation thereof IS NEAR."
We are told by Jesus "THE LAST SIGN" that "WE SHALL SEE" BEFORE His coming to redeem His Elect Church is the Gog-Magog "ARMIES" about to invade Israel to "DESOLATE JERUSALEM" . That is 'OUR SIGN' telling us "WHEN" we are to "LOOK UP" to see because OUR RESURRECTION & RAPTURE is the NEXT event to occur on God's LAST DAYS CALENDAR.
The FALSE DOCTRINE which states that the rapture is an IMMINENT event is CONTRARY to the DOCTRINE OF CHRIST stated above as well as CONTRARY to the following Holy Scriptures according to :
Amos 3:7
"Surely the Lord God WILL DO NOTHING , but HE REVEALS His secret unto His servants."
Mark 13:23
"But take ye heed, Behold, I HAVE FORETOLD YOU ALL THINGS."
The FALSE 'DOCTRINE of IMMINENCY' is a DECEPTION from Satan , who deceives the whole world, so that unaware Christians will FALSELY believe that there IS NO SIGN from God to alert us to the nearness of the rapture. Jesus has told us to watch for the Gog-Magog War to BEGIN in Israel as OUR SIGN that our REDEMPTION & RESURRECTION & RAPTURE IS NEAR." Don't be deceived !
According to Your Holy Word , come Lord Jesus !