Garry B (19 Jun 2022)

"THE CLOUDS" of ( Matthew 24:30 ) ARE "THE CLOUDS" of ( 1 Thessalonians 4:17 )..........

We will see Jesus coming "IN THE CLOUDS" of heaven as the "SON OF MAN"  when he  appears to "GATHER TOGETHER and resurrect & rapture "HIS ELECT" Body of Christ Church. "THE CLOUDS' that  we see Jesus "COMING IN"  are the very SAME CLOUDS in which we are "CAUGHT UP TOGETHER with them IN THE CLOUDS" according to :

 Matthew 24:30-31 ( Jesus describing the rapture  )

".......and they shall see the SON  OF MAN coming in the  CLOUDS OF HEAVEN ......and they shall GATHER TOGETHER HIS ELECT from the four winds...."

Those "CLOUDS OF HEAVEN " spoken of in ( Matthew 24:30-31 ) are the  VERY SAME "CLOUDS" which are spoken of in the following Scripture according to :

1 Thessalonians 4:17 ( Paul describing the rapture  )

"Then we which are alive and remain shall be CAUGHT UP TOGETHER with them IN THE CLOUDS to meet the Lord in  the air...."


BEFORE the tribulation of the whole world, we will see Jesus as the "SON  OF MAN COMING  IN THE CLOUDS"  to "GATHER TOGETHER" , and  resurrect & rapture "HIS ELECT" Body of Christ  Church according to : ( Matthew 24:30-31 ). 

AFTER the tribulation  of the whole world,  we will see Jesus as the  "WORD OF GOD" mounted "ON A WHITE HORSE"  returning to earth at HIS SECOND COMING followed  by His  Body of Christ Church also riding white horses according to :  

Revelation 19:13

"And He was clothed with a vesture dipped in blood,  and HIS NAME IS CALLED  THE "WORD OF GOD."

 Therefore, it CANNOT BE  the SECOND  COMING of the Lord Jesus spoken of in ( Matthew 24:30-31 )  because Jesus is called by the name,  "SON OF MAN" in that Scripture. 

According to Your Holy Word, come Lord Jesus !