Garry B (19 Jun 2022)


The COMPARATIVE description of Jesus at His Second Coming is quite different from His description at His appearing to resurrect & rapture His Elect Body of Christ Church according to :

At the rapture : "They shall see the SON OF MAN coming in the CLOUDS OF HEAVEN" (  Matthew 24:30-31 )

At His 2nd coming : "He has on His vesture, and on His thigh A NAME written ; KING of KINGS and LORD of LORDS" ( Revelation  19:16 )

At His 2nd coming : "He was clothed with a vesture dipped in blood, and HIS NAME is called the WORD OF GOD." ( Revelation 19:13 )

At His 2nd coming:  "behold, a white horse, and He that sat upon him was called FAITHFUL AND TRUE " ( Revelation 19:11 )

At the rapture : Jesus comes as the SON of MAN at His appearing to "GATHER TOGETHER” and resurrect & rapture His Elect Body of Christ Church. ( Matthew   24:30-31 ) 

At the rapture:  Jesus is seen  "coming IN THE CLOUDS of heaven" ( Matthew  24:30-31 )

At His 2ndComing : Jesus comes as the KING of KINGS and LORD of LORDS  , and with His NEW NAME, which is no longer Son of Man, but is now the "WORD OF GOD" ( Revelation 19:13 )  

At His 2nd coming:  Jesus is seen "upon a WHITE HORSE" ( Revelation 19:11 )

At His 2nd coming:  Jesus is accompanied by His Elect Body of Christ Church,  "and they that are  with Him are called CHOSEN  AND  FAITHFUL" ( Revelation 17:14 )

At His 2nd coming : Jesus  is accompanied by His Elect Body of Christ Church, "and the armies which were in heaven followed Him ON WHITE HORSES clothed in fine linen, white and clean."


Jesus undergoes a huge change of appearance, AS WELL AS A NEW  NAME,  from when He appears as "the SON OF MAN coming on the clouds" to "GATHER TOGETHER", ie.  resurrect & rapture His Elect Body of Christ Church as described in ( Matthew 24:30-31 ).

At His Second Coming Jesus appears as the KING of KINGS and the LORD of LORDS with HIS  NEW NAME . He is now the "WORD OF GOD" riding on a white horse, followed by His previously resurrected & raptured Elect Body of Christ Church also riding white horses. 

According to Your Holy Word, come Lord Jesus !