Garry B (19 Jun 2022)


Because the Scriptures do not use the word  "rapture" the Scriptures use other KEYWORDS to describe the rapture event. We also know , from the Gospel of Christ according to the Apostle Paul  , that the rapture happens in conjunction with the resurrection event . Therefore, when the Scriptures speak of the resurrection of the dead in Christ they are also speaking of the rapture of the living in Christ. 

When the KEYWORDS "gather together" are found in the Scriptures they are speaking of BOTH the dead in Christ and the living in Christ being "GATHERED TOGETHER" for the resurrection & rapture event according to the following FOUR Scriptures:

 Ephesians 1:10 ( Paul speaking )

"In the dispensation of the fullness of times He might GATHER TOGETHER in one ( body ) all things in Christ, BOTH which ARE IN  HEAVEN , and which ARE ON EARTH in Jesus ."

2 Thessalonians 2:1 ( Paul speaking )

"Now we beseech you, brethren, by the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, and by our GATHERING TOGETHER unto Him."

Matthew 24:31 ( Jesus speaking )

"He shall send His angels with a great  sound of a trumpet, and they shall GATHER TOGETHER His Elect ( Body of Christ Church ) from the FOUR WINDS ( of earth ) , and from one end OF HEAVEN to the other."

Mark 13:27 ( Jesus speaking )

"Then shall He send His angels , and they shall GATHER TOGETHER His Elect ( Body of Christ Church ) from the FOUR WINDS of the uttermost parts of the earth to the uttermost parts OF HEAVEN."  


ALL FOUR of the Scriptures cited above are speaking of our Lord Jesus Christ appearing to "GATHER TOGETHER His Elect" Body of Christ Church, from the uttermost ends heaven and from the four winds of earth, to the RESURRECTION & RAPTURE EVENT according to : 

1 Thessalonians 4:14 ( Paul speaking )

"For if we believe that Jesus died  and rose again, even so them also which sleep ( are dead )  in Jesus WILL GOD  BRING WITH HIM.

According to Your Holy  Word, come Lord Jesus !