Garry B (19 Jun 2022)


You, and I,  and everyone in the world has an APPOINTMENT WITH JESUS coming soon which cannot be postponed or cancelled according to :

Acts 17:31

"Because He has APPOINTED A DAY in which He will JUDGE THE WORLD in righteousness  BY THAT MAN , JESUS, whom He ( God ) has ordained."

The previous Scripture is speaking of the "APPOINTED DAY" OF THE RESURRECTION  & RAPTURE of "His Elect" Body of Christ Church in which Jesus will appear AND JUDGE who among us is worthy to  be raptured to heaven , and who will be LEFT-BEHIND according to :

2 Thessalonians 1:7-9

"When the Lord Jesus shall be revealed from heaven with His mighty angels , in flaming fire, TAKING VENGEANCE ON THEM  that know not God, and ON THEM THAT DO NOT OBEY the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ ; Who shall BE PUNISHED with everlasting destruction  FROM THE PRESENCE OF THE  LORD , and from the glory of His power. "

SO, WHEN should we expect our "APPOINTED DAY" with Jesus  to come ?  The following two Scriptures tell when our "APPOINTED DAY " with Jesus is coming according to ::

1 Thessalonians 5:1 ( Paul speaking )

"But of the TIMES AND SEASONS, brethren, you have NO  NEED  that I write unto you."   

John 4:34-3 6 (  Jesus speaking )

"My job is to do the will of Him who sent Me,  and to FINISH HIS WORK. Say not ye, there are YET FOUR MONTHS , and then comes the  harvest ? Behold, I say unto you, Lift up your eyes and look at the fields for now they are WHITE ALREADY TO HARVEST. And He that reaps receives wages, and  GATHERS  FRUIT UNTO LIFE ETERNAL that both He that sows , and He that reaps may rejoice together."


The previous Scripture tells us that THE RAPTURE ,  ie. "gathers fruit unto eternal life", will take place IN THE SPRING SEASON of the year in which "the fields are WHITE for harvest".  In Israel, the FIRST CROP harvested  each year in the SPRING SEASON , after the Vernal Equinox on March 20th,  is the  BARLEY crop which when ready to harvest appears WHITE in the field unlike wheat which appears golden in the field when it is ready to harvest. That is why the Scripture says DO NOT THINK that the rapture will occur  in "YET FOUR MONTHS" which would then make it  occur in the FALL SEASON.

The month of NISAN is always the FIRST MONTH of the  year on God 's Lunar Calendar that BEGINS on the FIRST NEW MOON , on or after, the Vernal Equinox which is always March 20th on the Gregorian Calendar. The Barley crop is always harvested during the FIRST  MONTH of Nisan in Israel.  Jesus has told us that the  RAPTURE will occur in the SPRING SEASON  at the same time that the  Barley is being harvested during the FIRST month of NISAN which is April on the Gregorian Calendar. 

SO, THE QUESTION IS : On which day of the thirty ( 30 ) days of the month of Nisan  will the rapture occur ?  Next  year, in 2023,  Nisan 10 falls on  Sabbath Saturday April 1, 2023.  If the Gog-Magog War BEGINS BEFORE that date, I believe that the RAPTURE will happen on Nisan 10 WHICH IS SABBATH SATURDAY APRIL 1, 2023. 

According to Your Holy Word , come  Lord  Jesus !