Fay (5 Jun 2022)
"Hypocrisy at it's Finest"


Hi John and Doves,

The sight of Biden peering quizzically at the cameras and asking "For God's sake - DO something", re gun control is hypocrisy on steroids. The link holds a great article about the Dems and their never-ending quest for disarming the American people. So well worth the read. Fantastic, sensible points.

The US government spends over $700 billion on their defence forces, weaponry, murderous technology etc.. They have taken the American people into war after war after war. They are responsible for the murders of millions upon millions of people. We were always taught that our leaders and teachers must lead by example !! Think about it. If they are so desperate to disarm the American people then they should lead by example. In other words, "Politician - heal thyself". Don't preach about home grown terrorism when they are the major perpetrators of death, terrorism and destruction around the globe.

They must think we are THAT stupid. Therein lies their mistake. They are still under the illusion that we are blinded by so-called authority. Blinded and fascinated by their so-called movie stars. Because they keep rolling them out to lecture us and guilt us into complying. They just don't get it - that ship has sailed. We have ALL lost total respect for the political class. They are as thick as bricks. Nay..... thicker.

Once respect has been lost - authority has been lost. They are fast becoming a laughing stock. The world is changing.
