Fay (26 Jun 2022)
"This is Illuminating"

Glastonbury Festival is the biggest music festival in the UK. Tens of thousands of music fans attend. Before the Libertine's opened with their first song, guess who popped onto the big screens to send a message to the crowds? Why - Zelensky of course. Talk about rampant propaganda. Except, this time, it's not working. I always, always read the comment sections of important articles and videos. They give an excellent indication as to how the average person feels about the subject.

When the war first broke out, the media was full of the stories. The majority of shocked commentators had deep sympathy for the brave little Zelensky. The majority were outraged at Russia's murderous bullying. The tide has turned. People are seeing through the entire farce.

The Nazi playbook of propaganda, smoke and mirrors, has not changed. These tactics do not work as they used to. People are way more sophisticated and informed. The article and photos are pathetic attempts to sway opinion. Zelensky appearing in combat fatigue green T shirt with his faux tragic words and facial expressions are like scenes from a very old and badly acted movie.
