Fay (19 Jun 2022)
"Peering into the Future"

Hi John and Doves,

The short video clip in the link which leaves one with much food for thought. Studying history and noting the decline and fall of various civilisations, philosophers note that it appears that each period has a time stamp. It always follows the same pattern. Starting out healthy and strong, reaching a peak then declining and eventually falling. The narrator notes that great civilisations of the past end up with a "Caesar" for a period prior to their fall. A dictator type. This happens as a result of increased distrust in a nation's political system - which always becomes corrupt, eventually.

This is historical fact. Which shows us that every single thing that happens is to bring people back to Almighty God. When people lose all trust in their kings and queens, presidents and prime ministers - the situation inevitably results in the rise of a Caesar type dictator. One that the uber wealthy elites will support. Anything to retain their wealth and status. The people end up being crushed and miserable resulting in a yearning for Almighty God's interference. Everything is by design. Everything that happens is fully controlled by Almighty God. The BIG difference with our generation is that we have Israel back in the land. Israel - our timepiece. This time - we really are living in the end times. The prophecies in the Bible are literally in view.

The most interesting thing brought up was the USA elections in 2024. The way things are going with the American electorate - it is doubtful that free and fair elections will be allowed. Everything is ripe for the rise of a "Caesar". Which brings me to the total solar eclipse On April 8th, 2024. The large X this eclipse forms is telling. It spells an END - not a beginning. It got me thinking that this Caesar type may very well rise with a chaotic USA mid-term vote OR with some other crisis (Russia/Ukraine?) that makes the mid-term elections impossible to conduct. A crisis of mammoth proportions. Prophecy tells us that the AC will have power over the holy people for a time, times and half a time. Please see Daniel 7 for this irrefutable fact. This ties in with the prophecies in the book of Revelation. 1,260 days, 42 months etc.

Will we see this Caesar type emerge prior to the mid-term elections? I believe we might. There's a strong chance. God says He will "cut those days short" (the days of the AC's reign) or no flesh would be left. I have such a strong feeling - based on scripture and the reality of the increasing evil we are seeing - that great tribulation is nearly upon us. And we are NOT appointed to wrath.

Daniel 7 is in the 2nd link. Take note of Daniel 7:25 re the time period the AC is given. Reading through the entirety of Daniel 7 is illuminating. It gives the reader a brilliant overview of the beasts - the final beast etc. It also gives us a clear picture of when Almighty God convenes His court and begins judgement.

Please come, LORD Jesus.

