Fay (19 Jun 2022)
"This is Truly WEIRD"

Last night I began watching a brand new TV series called The Lazarus Project. It is full of predictive programming. Reading the information in the link, the series was written 6 years ago. Pre pandemic ! Yet the covid virus sweeps the world in the programme!! Not only that - the war between Ukraine and Russia features. The article expresses total astonishment at how predictive the series is. Lots of spoiler alerts, by the way. After writing my post regarding the Noah's Ark replica being freed on July 1st and the buzz in the watching Christian world regarding this date, I sat bolt upright when the date of July 1st kept coming up in the programme.

The premise is that certain people have the ability to turn back time. This ability is used to prevent the destruction of the world. The principal character keeps returning to July 1st . Like Groundhog Day - the viewer sees the bedside clock returning to July 1st, time and time again. Of course, the very name "Lazarus Project" is enough to get the senses tingling. Couple that with all the spookily accurate predictive programming and the repetition of the date July 1st - it's understandable that I strongly felt Almighty God is sending a message. Reading the details in the article will astound you.
