Fay (19 Jun 2022)
"Huge NATO Summit. June 28th-30th."

Wowza - even more converging signs happening during this planetary alignment! This NATO Summit is being held in Madrid, Spain from June 28th to 30th - and ALL the big guns are going to be there. Heads of State and government from NATO's member countries and key partners.

Quoting from the article, " Alongside the Madrid Summit, a Public Forum is being hosted by four leading civil society organisations. The Elcano Royal Institute, the German Marshall Fund, the Munich Security Council and the Atlantic Council".

It seems that every big-wig and his dog are going to be there. The article is extremely interesting, with lots of links with information of who is who in the zoo. The Russia/Ukraine war is barely mentioned but we can surmise that it will be a leading topic. Well worth the read.
