Chance (19 Jun 2022)
"SADS - Sudden Adult Death Syndrome and Covid-19 "Vaccine" FDA Approved for Babies/Toddlers"

Hello John and Doves,
It's been in the news A LOT this year -  this Sudden Adult Death Syndrome.
What is this 'new' category for deaths in healthy young people?  SADS has been around for years, but it's all over the news now!  Why??
Watch this short video of Mark Steyn:  'Doctors baffled by Sudden Adult Death Syndrome - are they that stupid? or they can't connect all of these dead young and middle-aged people over here with all of these mass vaccinations over there?  Eva responds with, I don't think they are stupid, they think we are stupid.  Sudden Adult Death Syndrome, REALLY??'  (Published June 9, 2022)
"They Think We Are Stupid" - Eva Vlaardingerbroek Weighs in on Sudden Adult Death Syndrome (SADS)
"Sudden Adult Death Syndrome, or Sudden Arrhythmic Death Syndrome (SADS) is an "umbrella term to describe unexpected deaths in young people," usually under 40, when a post-mortem can find no obvious cause of death, according to the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners."
"The majority of these SADS events, 90 per cent, occur outside the hospital - the person doesn't make it - so it's actually ambulance staff and forensics caring for the bulk of these patients....I think even doctors underestimate it.  We only see the 10 per cent who survive and make it to the hospital.  We only see the tip of the iceberg ourselves."
"For family and friends of victims, SADS is a "very hard entity to grasp" because it's a "diagnosis of nothing"...."All you know is it wasn't drugs, suicide, trauma or heart attack," Dr. Paratz said.  "You're still left wondering what it was."
There is a difference between a heart attack (blockage of a heart vessel) and cardiac arrest (the heart just stops).  An autopsy of someone who died from 'cardiac arrest' would show "the heart is pristine".
SADS: Healthy young people dying from Sudden Adult Death Syndrome | — Australia’s leading news site
In this article from Australia, people are encouraged to see a cardiologist if they have had a family member die of SADS.  And the article goes on about "post-pandemic stress disorder"/ pandemic lockdowns, inferring this is causing these excess deaths.
SO....THEY are obviously seeing a big uptick in SADS deaths - those 'mysterious' deaths since the Covid-19 mRNA vaccine - because now THEY are blaming these excess deaths on the Covid-19 pandemic...the stressful lockdowns, Covid post-pandemic stress.
Not buying it.  I've sent numerous letters to Doves about young, healthy athletes dropping dead in the playing fields, on the courts, etc.  All over the world.  And I have written about "excess" deaths reported by insurance companies in the U.S.
Do you know what THEY are saying about these deaths?  Nothing helpful, nothing of any use to young athletes and parents.  Nothing useful or truthful to the public!  What you find when you google "athlete deaths and Covid-19 vaccine" is this and many similar - Fact Check, Debunked, Proven to not be true, no information if vaccinated or not, disinformation, etc.  I have also sent letters to Doves about "excess" deaths being reported by insurance companies in the U.S. - insurance companies are all about statistics - and when they see something like "excess" deaths - they know this results in a BIG drop in profits due to paying out on policy claims.  I have also heard that there are insurance companies in the U.S. that are not writing policies for vaccinated young people and not increasing coverage for vaccinated people over 55 years of age.  Something is terribly wrong.
In the above link, I wrote about an insurance industry analyst looking at the CDC data and reporting that, "The millennial age group, 25 - 44, experienced an 84% in excess mortality moving into fall of 2021.  Summer into fall with mandates and boosters there were 61,000 excess deaths in the Millennials...excess mortality in Generation X, age 41 to 56, "since August 2021 was 101,000".  "The Baby Boomers saw 306,000 excess deaths during the same period..."
In fact, this "uptick" in SADS is so bad, "Doctors in Australia are rolling out the country's first Sudden Adult Death Syndrome (SADS) registry due to a recent uptick in young adults inexplicably dying of cardiac arrest."
Australia Creates Sudden Adult Death Syndrome Registry
This article is dated June 16, 2022.  So Australia is seeing something bad happening.  This is happening all over the world where the Covid-19 mRNA 'vaccine' was given.
Why so many news articles NOW??
Yet, THEY refuse to look at the elephant in the room - The mRNA Covid-19 vaccine.
"Curiously, doctors are now reporting that people dying with the exact symptoms of what death from a Covid-19 vaccine would look like, are actually being called death by "SADS" or Sudden Adult Death Syndrome."  
"Researchers do not seem to want to know what the cause can be - neither from a correlative perspective nor from an anecdotal perspective.  That is really the main issue - researchers do not want to know the cause of the massive uptick in adult deaths that is tracking the massive uptick in administration of the Covid vaccine."
Look at what is at stake if suddenly someone just came out and announced it across the airwaves:  The Covid-19 vaccine is killing people - lots of people.  Reputations are on the line - WHO, Dr. Fauci, President Biden - the whole trust in governments, the FDA is on the line, the trust of Pfizer, Moderna, all drug companies is on the line. And what about all the money that has been made on these "vaccines"?  And the shutdown of the economy, the destruction of supply lines, etc.  And what about ALL THE LIVES of the people?  Deaths and destruction of bodies? People would want those responsible held accountable.  They would want heads to roll on this one!  This isn't Tylenol or Vioxx debacles - this is mandated death by vaccine!  And those responsible knew exactly what they were doing.  Tens of millions of people have been injured by these "vaccines".  What about them and all the injuries yet to come?  
"With each passing day, the news connected to the COVID shots grows worse.  That the injections don't prevent Covid - or even its spread - has been known for months and post-injection problems encompass almost everything that can go wrong with a body.  "Not a single organ, not a single bodily function, is unharmed" after ONE of these shots, said Arne Burkhardt, a professor of forensics at Reutlingen's Pathological Institute."  
The three "harshest complications" are myocarditis (the Covid vaccine lipid nanoparticles enter the bloodstream and then enter into heart tissue where the particle envelope is removed and the Covid mRNA is exposed and can start making the toxic Covid spike protein - the immune system sees all of this as foreign and attacks, turning heart muscle into useless scar tissue which is irreversible damage resulting in myocarditis), vascular damage and heart attack risk (the Covid spike protein deactivates ACE-2 protein on the lining of blood vessels resulting in organ damage and blood clots), and neurodegenerative disease (brain cells are exposed to the toxic Covid vaccine spike protein, ACE-2 protein is deactivated, mitochondria (the energy factories of cells) stop providing the needed amounts of energy and brain cells "take on the eerie characteristics of cancer and Alzheimer's cells)."
A very telling research paper was published in Food and Chemical Toxicology Volume 164, June 2022, "Innate immune suppression by SARS-CoV-2 mRNA vaccinations:  The role of G-quadruplexes, exosomes, and MicroRNAs" - they highlighted their results:
The Covid mRNA vaccines promote SUSTAINED synthesis of the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein (the CDC says the mRNA breaks down in days after injection)
The spike protein is neurotoxic and it impairs DNA repair mechanisms.
The Covd mRNA vaccines suppress type I interferon responses resulting in impaired innate immunity.  (Type 1 interferon is needed to help the body defend against malignancies, autoimmune diseases and viral infections.)
The Covid mRNA vaccine potentially causes increased risk to infectious disease and cancer.
And Codon optimization results in G-rich mRNA that has unpredictable complex effects.
This isn't what Fauci told us!
What this all means is - this "vaccine" is DANGEROUS!  It should never have been approved! 
"Publicly available VAERS data clearly reveal that the COVID shots are the most dangerous "vaccines" ever created, accounting for more injuries and deaths than all previous conventional vaccines combined over the last three decades." 
Dangers of COVID shots ‘deleted’ as thousands of injury, death reports go missing: Data analyst - LifeSite
SOMEBODY DOESN'T WANT US TO KNOW WHAT'S GOING ON!  THEY are doing everything to cover up what this deadly "vaccine" is capable of.  
And now the FDA has approved this "vaccine" for babies!
"Children as young as six months, through age five, will be able to get the US's first Covid-19 vaccines approved for infants, toddlers and preschoolers, after final sign-off on Saturday from Rochelle Walensky, the director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.  The government has been gearing up for the start of the shots early next week. This is the last age group without the shots, with about 18 million to be eligible.  The FDA approved the Pfizer or Moderna  Covid-19 vaccine Friday.  Walensky added, "Parents, I strongly encourage you to get your children vaccinated against Covid-19"
CDC recommends Covid vaccines for infants, toddlers and preschoolers | US news | The Guardian
"Weakened hearts, blood clots, and now you can add neurological brain damage to the list of side effects being reported in children following Covid-19 vaccinations."
Cases of Brain Damage in Children Skyrocket Following COVID-19 Vaccines - Global ResearchGlobal Research - Centre for Research on Globalization
We will continue to see a rise in myocarditis, SADS, malignancies, autoimmune diseases, viral infections (like monkeypox), etc. in adults.  And now, we will see all kinds of horrid side effects in the most innocent!  How many of the 18 million will be injected?  
But what about all the stories/lies of unvaccinated getting Covid-19 and filling up the hospitals so people like the governor of Colorado (Polis) who vilified the unvaccinated, and threatened them with no hospitalization when needed, no health care.  All across the country, the unvaccinated have been attacked in various ways.  Now it's coming out that the "vaccinated" are the problem and have been all along.  And it's only going to get worse for them. 
Colorado governor: It’s unvaccinated’s ‘own fault’ if they catch COVID - Deseret News
And now a UK-based Control Group project has reported on their survey findings: 
Study: Unvaccinated Had Lower Hospitalizations, Lower Rates Of Severe Disease
Right now, it's the Covid-19 "vaccine" injured that are filling up the hospitals.  This toxin is taking its toll on people - this will only get worse.
Kevin Sorbo asked this question (posted 1/12/2022):  "Some hospitals claim to be so full they're turning away unvaxxed patients. But if they keep turning away the unvaxxed, who keeps filling the hospitals?"
Kevin Sorbo wants to know who is filling up the hospitals | Political Talk
Add all of this to a recent letters to Doves about
Globalists move into the KILL PHASE of human extermination –
Satan does not care about mankind.  He hates us.  He will kill us any way he can.  And his evil minions are those that do his dirty work.
Back to Mark Steyn's question:  Are THEY stupid??  No - THEY are evil!  THEY have an agenda.  THEY want us dead.
Americans need to wake up!  Don't vaccinate your baby, your toddler!
Pray for the peace of Jerusalem!