Bob Ware (5 Jun 2022)
"Consecutive Element particle sets yield: 2368 (‘JESUS CHRIST’), 2701 (GN 1:1) and markers for 5 June and 4 July of 2022"

2368 is the Greek gematria of ‘JESUS CHRIST’. There is a string of 24 (8+8+8) consecutive elements that have a total of 2368 elementary particles (protons + neutrons + electrons).


Take notice of the repeated symmetry of the first, center and last positions in the notes below. This should increase the significance of these values.


The last 12 have a total of 1441 elementary particles. 1441 is the 16th Star of David and the 1441st day of the last Jewish calendar cycle was 11 September 2001. The 14th prime number is 41 and the sum of the first 4 prime numbers in row 14 of my ‘Prime List’ is 2368.


In the table below I placed these 24 elements into 3 columns like my 'Prime Cube'.


The three elements in the first row have a total of 259 elementary particles. 259 is the gematria of the first tribe name on the Breastplate (‘REUBEN’).


The grand total of all 72 numbers in the table is 3400. It will be 3400 days from 12 February 2013 (the 204th anniversary of Lincoln's birth) to 5 June 2022. 204 equals: 4 x the 51 numbers in my 'Prime Cube'. Lincoln was the first of 4 assassinated Presidents. 1098 is the sum of the first 4 rows in the table below. 1098 is the sum of the gematrias for the last three words of GN 1:1 ('heaven and earth'). 1098 is also the average number of days served by the 4 assassinated Presidents.


The sum of the center six rows is 1776. The United States was born on 4 July 1776. 1776 equals: 2 x 888. 888 is the Greek gematria of ‘JESUS’. From 13 March 2013, when Pope Francis was elected, to 4 July 2022 will be 3400 days.


2035 is the sum of the first seven rows of the table. 2035 is the last blue stone number in the 37th and center row of the Genesis Pyramid. 2035 is also the sum of the 17 prime numbers that make up column 1 of my 'Prime Cube'.


The total number of elementary particles in the first (115) and last (138) elements in the last column is 253. 253 is the seventh Star of David number.


The first and last numbers in the center column number 2 are 86 (the gematria of ‘God’ in GN 1:1) and 113 (the first point of the ‘Prime Cross’). 86 plus 113 equals the 199 days served by the second assassinated President (James Garfield). There are 732 protons and 732 electrons in this string of 24 elements. There are 732 + (2 x 86) neutrons. The 113th element is the last prime numbered element – Ununtrium with 113 protons, 113 electrons and 171 neutrons. The 171st prime number is 1013 (the prime number gematria of ‘LORD JESUS CHRIST’). 171 plus 1013 equals: 1184. 2 x 1184 equals: 2368.


The total number of particles in the first and last rows is the gematria of ‘GODHEAD’ (592). The average number of particles in these two rows is 296 (the gematria of the seventh and last word of Genesis 1:1 > ‘earth’).


The sum of all 260 New Testament chapter numbers is 2361. The first 38 elements have a total of 2361 elementary particles.


The 17th triangle number is 153. The 17 consecutive prime numbered elements from the 13th to the 83rd have a total of 2701 elementary particles. 2701 is the gematria of Genesis 1:1 – the first verse in the Bible.


The 22 consecutive composite numbered elements from the 24th to the 51st and the 9 consecutive composite numbered elements from the 91st to the 99th both have a total of 2701 elementary particles. 99 is the gematria of the last word in the Bible – 'Amen'.


Only the 98th (Californium) and 99th (Einsteinium) elements have 153 neutrons. The 79th element (Gold) is the only one to have 276 elementary particles. These three elements linked together yield the 276 saved in Paul’s shipwreck in Acts 27:37 – 79 + 98 + 99 equals: 276.

24 Consecutive element particles total 2368.jpg