1 Cor 10:31 (19 June 2022)

By 1 Cor 10:31

Hi everyone!   This is just my own opinion yet I felt it important enough to share…..


Seeing/watching/realizing the PLANNED global take over & manufactured “crisis” courtesy of the elites (trust me, it’s ALL preparation for the soon coming Tribulation which Christians won’t be here for)……


But anyway, after the PLANNED demic – and toilet paper shortages (I live 5 miles from a plant – you mean they couldn’t merely churned more out during that crisis??)   Fortunately I was always one to stock up on all necessary items even before all the bologna hit.  And yep. Apologies to the ones who think it’s real – my mind is set in cement on this’n!!   www.nowtheendbegins.com

The leaders of 3 countries who wouldn’t go along with the narrative were ALL murdered by the way!!!!  We DO remember that, right?!!


At any rate, THEN came the baby formula shortages!!   NOW:  tampons!! 


And for the past few days I’ve been calling it a GUT FEELING – though it may be far more of a HOLY SPIRIT PROMPTING!!!!    B/c guess what?  A forum I frequent: [I read I don’t post, simply a matter of lack of time….]  but at:  www.RaptureInTheAirNow.com   another gal is saying the SAME THING!!!!!


That “next up” will be a PET FOOD SHORTAGE!!!!!!   She said she stocked up on cat food b/c she just has this feeling.  Notice:  it’s always items we NEED and USE ALL THE TIME!!!


Unfortunately due to an overload of chemicals in his little body, our old fellow (dog) cannot eat ANY commercial dog food, otherwise, promise I’d STOCK UP!!!!   {I literally must cook for him & I cook far more often for him than I do for us!!}


So just passing this on – that if you have access & financial means, by the word of TWO or three witnesses as the Bible says……  pet food shortage could indeed be coming!!


Come to think of it:  probably best to stock up (anyway??)  esp. if your furry friend is partial to any “particular” foods/brands!.....  Not in the least trying to cause a panic, I just think it’s WISE.  My own opinion.  Like all things, once the shortage hits, it’ll be much harder to get.  And may be a long while before it’s back in stock.



Seems we are just a hop, skip and jump away from people killing each other over food, right??  I mean what with all the MASSIVE SHOOTINGS going on lately – you KNOW wars over food, sundries, possibly/probably even over dog food IS coming!!!!!!   Join me in prayer that the rapture happens FIRST!!!!!