Ray (13 Jun 2021)
"The rise and fall of Antichrist Part Two"

Hi John and Doves,

Why does AC invade Egypt after Israel?

Isaiah 19:1 The burden of Egypt. Behold, the LORD rideth upon a swift cloud, and shall come into Egypt: and the idols of Egypt shall be moved at his presence, and the heart of Egypt shall melt in the midst of it.

2 And I will set the Egyptians against the Egyptians: and they shall fight every one against his brother, and every one against his neighbour; city against city, and kingdom against kingdom.

3 And the spirit of Egypt shall fail in the midst thereof; and I will destroy the counsel thereof: and they shall seek to the idols, and to the charmers, and to them that have familiar spirits, and to the wizards.

The spirit of the Lord shall visit Egypt. The timing is after AC devastates Israel in mid-trib . Egyptian shall be greatly divided. Some shall follow AC while others shall oppose him. Civil war break outs with uprising in many area. This is why AC and the ten kings send in army to quell this uprising. But for those who oppose AC and the ten kings, it would be too late.

Isaiah 19:4 And the Egyptians will I give over into the hand of a cruel lord; and a fierce king shall rule over them, saith the Lord, the LORD of hosts.

"And the Egyptians will Jesus give over into the hand of a cruel lord, and a fierce king shall rule over them"

There have been some speculations as to who this cruel lord / fierce king is since Arab uprising. One of the speculation is Morsi. But I have pointed out in 2009 that the cruel lord is AC. And the 2011 uprising in Egypt is not the fulfillment of Isaiah 19. Isaiah 19 shall be fulfilled during the second half of tribulation. The reason lies in verse 16 and 17.

Isaiah 19:16 In that day shall Egypt be like unto women: and it shall be afraid and fear because of the shaking of the hand of the LORD of hosts, which he shaketh over it. 17 And the land of Judah shall be a terror unto Egypt, every one that maketh mention thereof shall be afraid in himself, because of the counsel of the LORD of hosts, which he hath determined against it.,

The key word is "and the land of Judah shall be a terror unto Egypt". Egyptian has just witnessed the terror occurred in Israel in mid-trib. The land of Judah shall be a terror unto Egypt because they know they are the next victim, whoever makes mention thereof shall be afraid in himself.