Ray (13 Jun 2021)
"The timing and background of Isaiah 23"

Hi John and Doves,

From Isaiah 23:15, God has given us a clue of how old Antichrist is when he sits in God's temple, claiming that he is God, and sings like a harlot. Antichrist shall be 70 years old when he rebels against God. 

Today I want to talk about the background and timing of Isaiah 23. The round about cities listed in Isaiah 23 are the Mediterranean cities where AC controls after he revives the Roman Empire. They are the inhabitants of the isle, the merchants of Zidon, the seed of Sihor which is a river in Egypt, Tarshish. All these are round about cities in Mediterranean sea where AC controls.  

In verse 4, God directly nicknames AC as the "sea".

4 Be thou ashamed, O Zidon: for the sea hath spoken, even the strength of the sea, saying, I travail not, nor bring forth children, neither do I nourish up young men, nor bring up virgins.

"For the sea has spoken, I travail not, nor bring forth children, neither do I nourish up young man, nor bring up virgins" 

This is the same sin we find from the foolish shepherd in Zechariah 11:15-17.

Zechariah 11:16 For, lo, I will raise up a shepherd in the land, which shall not visit those that be cut off, neither shall seek the young one, nor heal that that is broken, nor feed that that standeth still: but he shall eat the flesh of the fat, and tear their claws in pieces.

"Neither shall seek the young one, nor heal that that is broken, nor feed that that stands still, but he shall eat the flesh of the fat, and tear their claws in pieces" is the same sin as "I travail not, nor bring forth children, neither do I nourish up young man, nor bring up virgins"

"Bring up virgins" is our Christians' daily job and duty. God sees a faithful servant and follower of Him and Jesus as a virgin. The more virgins we bring to God and Jesus, God shall be delightful of the work we've done. But the sea is opposed to bringing up virgins. It speaks of AC /the sea as a runaway religious leader. 

Let's go back to the timing of Isaiah 23. As we can see, the sea is in trouble. His round about cities in Mediterranean sea are in war with an outside force. There are signs of rout in many cities.

1 The burden of Tyre. Howl, ye ships of Tarshish; for it is laid waste, so that there is no house, no entering in:

2 Be still, ye inhabitants of the isle; thou whom the merchants of Zidon, that pass over the sea, have replenished.

5 As at the report concerning Egypt, so shall they be sorely pained at the report of Tyre."

From Daniel 11:41-43, we learn that after AC trespass Israel, he shall invade Egypt and Ethiopia. This is a mid-trib event. At the climax of this war, Ethiopia shall send a swift messenger to China for help (Isaiah 18:1-3). China shall finally get involved in this conflict, and together with Russia and many kings from the east,  send their armies to middle east, to engage AC and his western allies. This is world war three. God recompenses AC and his nations for what they did to Israel and Egypt. This is why they be sorely pained at the report of Tyre, after they saw the report concerning Egypt. Having said this, the background and timing of judgment upon Tyre is in the second half of tribulation, right after AC trespass Israel and invades Egypt and Ethiopia. AC and his Roman Empire is facing a war with the Kings of the east.

We can continue our reading and see how God judges Tyre the crowing city and his round about cities in Mediterranean sea.

8 Who hath taken this counsel against Tyre, the crowning city, whose merchants are princes, whose traffickers are the honourable of the earth?

9 The LORD of hosts hath purposed it, to stain the pride of all glory, and to bring into contempt all the honourable of the earth.

10 Pass through thy land as a river, O daughter of Tarshish: there is no more strength.

11 He stretched out his hand over the sea, he shook the kingdoms: the LORD hath given a commandment against the merchant city, to destroy the strong holds thereof.

12 And he said, Thou shalt no more rejoice, O thou oppressed virgin, daughter of Zidon: arise, pass over to Chittim; there also shalt thou have no rest.

13 Behold the land of the Chaldeans; this people was not, till the Assyrian founded it for them that dwell in the wilderness: they set up the towers thereof, they raised up the palaces thereof; and he brought it to ruin. (This is parallel to Zechariah 5:5-11 when AC/Tyre moves to Babylon, build a house there, and sets there as his own base. God shall bring the city Babylon to ruin.)

14 Howl, ye ships of Tarshish: for your strength is laid waste.

Consider why will God judge Tyre and his round about cities in Mediterranean sea, we find the reason in verse 15 and 16.

15 And it shall come to pass in that day, that Tyre shall be forgotten seventy years, according to the days of one king: after the end of seventy years shall Tyre sing as an harlot.

16 Take an harp, go about the city, thou harlot that hast been forgotten; make sweet melody, sing many songs, that thou mayest be remembered.

God judges Tyre and his revived Roman Empire because when Tyre turns 70 years old, he sings as a harlot by opposing God, and commits fornication with all kingdoms on earth. But good news is God shall visit Tyre after he turns 70 years old, and turns his merchandise and his hire into holiness to God.

17 And it shall come to pass after the end of seventy years, that the LORD will visit Tyre, and she shall turn to her hire, and shall commit fornication with all the kingdoms of the world upon the face of the earth. 18 And her merchandise and her hire shall be holiness to the LORD: it shall not be treasured nor laid up; for her merchandise shall be for them that dwell before the LORD, to eat sufficiently, and for durable clothing.

My summary. The timing of Isaiah 23 points to the second half of tribulation, after Tyre defiles the third temple in mid-trib by singing as a harlot inside the temple. At that time he is 70 years old. God shall remember his sin.
