Paul N. F. (13 June 2021)

By A. W. Tozer

I delight to do thy will, 0 my God: yea,
thy law is within my heart. (Psalm 40:8)

    Because we live in a period known as the age of God's
grace, it has become a popular thing to declare that the
Ten Commandments are no longer valid, no longer
relevant in our society.

    With that  context,  it  has  become  apparent  that
Christian churches are not paying attention to the Ten

    But  Dwight  L.  Moody  preached  often  in  the
commandments.  John Wesley said he preached the
commands of the Law to prepare the way for the gospel.
R. A. Torrey told ministers if they did not preach the Law,
they would have no response to the preaching of the
gospel.  It is the Law that shows us our need for the gospel
of salvation and forgiveness!

    It is accurate to say that our binding obligation is not to
the Old Testament Law.  As sincere  Christians we are
under Christ's higher law - - that which is represented in
His  love  and  grace.  But  everything  that  is  morally
commanded in the Ten Commandments still comprises
the moral  principles  that  are  the will  of God  for His
people.  God's basic moral will for His people has not

Yours in Christ,
Paul N. F.