Ola Ilori (13 Jun 2021)
"The 40 Day countdown to the Day of Ascensions on the 19th of July has begun!!!"

The 40 Day countdown to the Day of Ascensions on the 19th of July began on the 10th of June, on the Day of the Annular Solar Eclipse: 

If we leave in the Rapture 3 Days from the 10th of June, on the 12th of June, some glorified saints will remain on earth to witness to tribulation saints for 37 Days. 

If we leave in the Rapture 7 Days from the 10th of June, on the 16th of June, some glorified saints will reman on earth to witness to tribulation saints for 33 Days. 

If we leave in the Rapture 10 Days from the 10th of June, on the 19th of June, some glorified saints will reman on earth to witness to tribulation saints for 30 Days. 

If we leave in the Rapture 11 Days from the 10th of June, on the 20th of June, some glorified saints will reman on earth to witness to tribulation saints for 29 Days.

If we leave in the Rapture 14 Days from the 10th of June, on the 23rd of June, some glorified saints will reman on earth to witness to tribulation saints for 26 Days.

If we leave in the Rapture 16 Days from the 10th of June, on the 25th of June, some glorified saints will reman on earth to witness to tribulation saints for 24 Days. 

If we leave in the Rapture 17 Days from the 10th of June, on the 26th of June, some glorified saints will reman on earth to witness to tribulation saints for 23 Days. 

If we leave in the Rapture 21 Days from the 10th of June, on the 30th of June, some glorified saints will reman on earth to witness to tribulation saints for 19 Days.

If we leave in the Rapture 30 Days from the 10th of June, on the 9th of July, some glorified saints will reman on earth to witness to tribulation saints for 10 Days.

“And there will be signs in the sun, in the moon [Annular Solar Eclipse, 10th June 2021], and in the stars ; and on the earth distress of nations, with perplexity [Caused by the worldwide resurrection earthquake], the sea and the waves roaring [Worldwide Tsunamis]; men’s hearts failing them from fear and the expectation of those things which are coming on the earth, for the powers of the heavens will be shaken [fallen angels, UFOS] . Then they will see the Son of Man coming in a cloud with power and great glory. Now when these things begin to happen, look up and lift up your heads, because your redemption draws near.” [Luke 21:25-28][words in bracket are mine]

"...The sun shall be turned into darkness [15th December 2020][Total Solar Eclipse], and the moon into blood [26th May 2021][Total Lunar Eclipse], before the coming of the great and awesome day of the Lord [10th June 2021][Annular Solar Eclipse]. And it shall come to pass that whoever calls on the name of the Lord Shall be saved [that is, shall be glorified]." [Acts 1:20,21][words in bracket are mine]