Fay (13 Jun 2021)
"Natan's Prophecy fits this Bible Code !"


This from Rabbi Glazerson. Short clip in the 1st link below.

Natan received information from heaven. Part of this information was that Iran would send a nuclear bomb toward Israel. It won't be a large bomb but it will be nuclear. Almighty God will freeze it in the sky. After a few days, it will fall.....only on two cities. Tel Aviv and Haifa. This makes sense as Iran would be idiotic to aim a nuclear bomb at Jerusalem - the city they claim to revere and desire for Islam.

With Anthony Blinken desperately trying to cobble together a deal with Iran re it's nuclear ambitions, it can be guaranteed that Iran is very near to having a nuclear bomb.

This code says that Iran is going to send a nuclear bomb toward Israel. I advise everyone to re-watch Natan's prophecy in full. I believe every word the young man testified to. We are nearing the end times.

Natan's prophecy in the 2nd link. With an English voice-over. Rather well done.

