Fay (13 Jun 2021)
"Oh, What Circus. Oh, What a Show."


Here are some puke inducing photos from the G7 thus far. All that elbow bumping....! Boris Johnson talking about making the world more feminine and more gender neutral. LOL. Happy little jollies on the beach are being had by all. I am sure that no serious business will go on during this so-called G7 meeting. This is a photo opportunity...on steroids. It's not a very Christian thing to say, Doves but....I actually loathe them all. They are all so unutterably fake. Totally uncaring about the state of the world. Regardless - check out the photos in the article. A tad amusing...and viewing them will clear the sinuses.

Joe Biden is meeting Putin in Brussels on Tuesday. I do wonder if they will elbow bump and rub each others backs in a show of comradery? IDIOTS !!

PLEASE come, LORD Jesus. Please.
