Chance (13 Jun 2021)
"CDC Releases Stunning Data Showing Young People At Risk of Heart Inflammation From COVID Vaccine"

Hello John and Doves,
And this is only a small percentage of actual cases - VAERS only has 1% of the actual cases.  A federal study determined only 1% of adverse vaccine reactions are actually reported to VAERS.

Only One Percent of Vaccine Reactions Reported to VAERS - The Vaccine Reaction
CDC Releases Stunning Data Showing Young People At Risk of Heart Inflammation From COVID Vaccine - The Last Refuge

"The CDC data shows approximately 8.8% of vaccines have been administered to people between the ages of 12 and 24.  However, more than half of the cases (52.5%) of heart inflammation have come from this same group."  "A higher-than-expected number of young men have experienced heart inflammation after their second dose of the mRNA Covid-19 shots from Pfizer/BioNTech and Moderna, according to data from two vaccine safety monitoring systems, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (VAERS) ..."
And this is far, far less than the actual numbers.
This is unacceptable.  These vaccines should NEVER have been approved for Emergency Use.
Pray for the peace of Jerusalem!