Angela (27 Jun 2021)
"Canadian Abuse of Pastors"

John and Doves,

Here is a Video detailing what it is like to be a Pastor in Canada.  

The political lawlessness, and the evil members of the cruel police force is appalling.

We have more freedom of speech here in America than does Canada.

We in America still have some procedures of law being exercised, although they are fastly eroding.

May we add to our prayer list:

• That all charges be dropped concerning Pastor Artur Pawlowski 
and his brother David.

• That Jacque Trudeau
and Jason Kenny would uphold traditional truth and justice.

• For the courts to enforce
true and righteous judgement.

• For the defending lawyers to have great wisdom and skill, as the Holy Ghost leads them in their defense.

• That the corruption and cruelty in the police department would be rooted out.

Thank you Father,
In Jesus Name. Amen.