Fay (21 June 2020)
"Falling Stars?"


Hi John and Doves,

The link holds a fascinating article about Elon Musk's Space-Link venture. One would have thought that his contract to provide earth with super-fast broadband links was a given. Not so, according to this article. Musk has to prove his star-link will work ! So - Musk has been allowed to pollute the naturally starry nights (to the chagrin of all astronomers) for a model that may or may not be used !! Ugh.

A thought:- There are now 500 of these artificial "stars" circling the earth. The article has a short must-see video clip showing the sheer multitude. I was wondering about those passages in Revelation 6:13 and Revelation 12:4. Both linked below. Could these passages be referring to Musk's "stars" as well as other satellites? Hey - it's not beyond the realms!


