Chance (21 June 2020)
"God's Calendar - Which One Is His?"


Hello John and Doves,

Last week, in my Dove's letter, I mentioned Ken Johnson and his book "The Ancient Dead Sea Scroll Calendar And The Prophecies It Reveals".  14 June 2020 "The Dead Sea Scrolls, The New Wine Festival and Pentecost"
The Dead Sea Scrolls, The New Wine Festival and Pentecost

There is much information on calendars in this book - but I'm most interested in the calendar the Essenes used.

"The Essenes taught that the calendar was a completely solar calendar that started with the Spring Equinox.  This was handed down from the beginning of time and used to calculate all the Jewish festivals in the tabernacle and temple.  When the Exodus from Egypt occurred, which is the first month of spring, God told Moses:  "This month shall be unto you the beginning of months:  it shall be the first month of the year to you."  Exodus 12:2  The Essenes taught that the original calendar was still in use when King David reigned, and that he wrote fifty-two songs, one for each Sabbath.  The Sabbath songs have the dates in them showing which Sabbath it was and what the solar date was for each of the Sabbaths."

Their calendar was made up of 24 hour days, weeks were of seven days each, and years were 364 days long.  There were 52 weeks per year.  So all of the holidays/festivals fell on the same day every year (same day of the week/same month of the year).  The Spring Equinox is always on a Tuesday, so every year starts on a Wednesday and every holy day falls on the same day of the week..  Ex. Passover is always on a Tuesday - 14 Abib (Nisan); the Barley Harvest First Fruits Festival is on Sunday - 27 Abib - followed by the first day of counting the Omer; and the Summer Solstice is on 30 Sivan, the day before 1 Tammuz; the Festival of the New Wine is Sunday - 3 AV; the Festival of New Oil is Sunday - Elul 22.

Ken Johnson writes in his book that keeping the start of every year as close to the Spring Equinox as possible will keep the Essenes calendar 'in tact' without adding any leap days, leap weeks, etc.  "This self-correcting method would keep the seven-year cycle intact and allow a drift of only up to a maximum of three days before or up to a maximum of three days after the Spring Equinox."

In the Ancient Book of Jubilees, there is a prophecy about an error made in replacing the solar calendar with a lunar calendar:  "For there will be those who will assuredly make observations of the moon - how it disturbeth the seasons and cometh in from year to year ten days too soon.  For this reason the years will come upon them when they will disturb the order, and make an abominable day the day of testimony, and an unclean day a feast day, and they will confound all the days, the holy with the unclean, and the unclean day with the holy; for they will go wrong as to the months and sabbath and feasts and jubilees.  For this reason I command and testify to thee that thou mayest testify to them; for after thy death thy children will disturb them, so that they will not make the year 364 days only, and for this reason they will go wrong as to the new moons and seasons and sabbaths and festivals..."  Ancient Book of Jubilees 6:36-38

In the Ancient Book of Enoch 72:32, "On that day the night decreases to nine parts day and nine parts night, and the night is equal to the day and the year is exactly 364 days long." 

The historical account of the Israelites continues with the Levite priests mixing in pagan practices into the Temple worship.  This angered God and He exiled the Israelites into Babylon.  After 70 years the Persian King Cyrus defeated the Babylonians and freed the Jews - the Israelites returned to their homeland. Ezra and Nehemiah taught God's laws and restored worship in the Temple.  Eventually the Persian Empire was conquered by the Greeks.

The Greek Empire split into four parts - two parts took sections of Israel - the Seleucid Empire (the area of modern Syria) and the Ptolemaic Empire (the area of modern Egypt).  During this Grecian Era the Jews were required to become like Greeks. During this time period, The Grecian calendar was used - it was a lunar calendar or 354 days per calendar year.  This was unacceptable to God - as now the festival days for the rituals may not occur on the proper day of the calendar.

Temple rituals still had to follow God's rules and laws. They still had to occur on the required days.

The High Priests' robe had alternating bells and pomegranates all the way around the bottom hem. Over this robe the High Priest wore the Ephod and the Breastplate. The bells were necessary for those who awaited his return from the Holy of Holies - they listened for the sound of the bells as he went about his rituals on the Day of Atonement in the Holy of Holies.  A rope was tied around his ankle and if he incorrectly did the ritual, he would die...then his fellow temple workers could pull him out without entering the Holy of Holies and risk dying themselves.

In the Zohar, it is written, "A chain was tied to the feet of the High Priest, when he entered The Holy of Holies, so that if he dies there they will take him out, since it is forbidden to enter there."

If they couldn't hear the jingling of the bells for some time, they would assume the Lord had killed the High Priest due to some 'breach of protocol' and they would pull him out of the Holy of Holies with the rope that was attached to his ankle.

In Leviticus 10:1-2, we see that two High Priests were killed due to a 'breach of protocol" - "Aaron's sons Nadab and Abihu each took his own censer, placed fire in it, covered it with incense, and brought it into the Lord's presence as unauthorized fire that he had never prescribed for them. So fire came out from the presence of the Lord and consumed them, and they died before the Lord."

In the Talmud is a record of the High Priests up to the destruction of the Temple in Jerusalem.  The record shows that there were 18 priests during the time of Solomon's Temple (400 year period).  But during the time of the second Temple (a 420 year period) there were over 300 High Priests.  Something was going terribly wrong on the Day of Atonement when these High Priests entered into the Holy of Holies.  It would be doubtful they were all doing the ritual wrong as that was specifically spelled out for them and could be easily corrected after a death before the next Day of Atonement.   And the High Priests before these '300' during the Second Temple period were able to do the rituals correctly as were those of the 420 years before them, during the First Temple period! If they were unable to figure out the correct day for the Day of Atonement - that was an automatic death sentence for the High Priest.

The Talmud states:  "...after the righteous priests the last three hundred did not live past one year (passing beyond the veil died)."

"This seems to be saying that any high priest who tried to perform the ritual of Yom Kippur on the wrong day or in some other wrong way, died when they tried to do it...Part of doing the ritual in the proper manner was to do them on the proper dates.  This could not be done if everyone was forced to use the Greek calendar system."  (quote from Ken Johnson's book).

The second Temple period began under Ezra, during self-rule under the Persians - the Second Temple was built in Jerusalem, the Knesset Hagedolah (Great Assembly) was established as the religious and judicial body of the Jewish people.

Here is a description of the duties/ritual of the High Priest on the Day of Atonement:
Redeemer of Israel: Understanding the Day of Atonement or Yom Kippur

"While the Sanhedrin presided over Jerusalem, there was no set calendar.  They would evaluate every year to determine whether it should be declared a leap year.  Several factors were considered in the course of their deliberations.  The primary factor, which overrode all others, was the spring equinox.  If the spring equinox would fall later than the first half of Nissan (i.e. on the 16th on later), then the year was automatically declared to be a leap year."
How Does the Spring Equinox Relate to the Timing of Passover? - About the Jewish Leap Year - Passover

This Greek calendar was a lunar calendar and started with the new moon of October of each year.  A leap month was added six times in nineteen years around the spring equinoxAnd a leap month added in the nineteen year cycle around the fall equinox.

Compare this to today's Hebrew calendar which is both a solar calendar in years and a lunar calendar in months or a lunisolar calendar - keeping the lunar months approximately equal to one solar year:  "...the Hebrew calendar goes by a 19-year cycle that includes leap years in the 3rd, 6th, 8th, 11th, 14th, 17th and 19th years of the cycle, meaning in those years, an extra month is added to the Jewish calendar to keep it aligned with the solar calendar."  This extra month is Adar II - the thirteenth month of the Jewish calendar.

So, we can see how closely, even today, the Jewish calendar follows the Greek calendar.
and we can see how the Jewish calendar of today does not match with the calendar that the Essenes used.  There is much evidence showing that the Essene's calendar is the 'correct' calendar or at least closest to the 'correct calendar' of the Bible.

As far as the modern Jewish calendar goes - for the beginning of their months they use a calculated 'new moon' - we know that the Jewish people today do not follow the sighting of the new moon for their months; they do not look for the Abib barley, sometimes their new year starts in March, sometimes in April; and they have a Jewish New Year on the 1st of Tishrei, seventh month, yet the Biblical New Year commanded by God is 1 Nisan, first month, and Pentecost (the Feast of Weeks, a High Holy Day) is now a set date - 6 Sivan (who needs to count)! 

Would any future High Priest even know which day is the true day of Day of Atonement?  Entering the Holy of Holies might give one pause....

They've lost track of the Jubilee Year (the 50th year - the year at the end of seven cycles of Shemitah); they don't know when to start counting for the Shemitah years (final year of a seven year cycle).

The Essene calendar, to me, seems much more user friendly.  One of the days on this calendar is the Festival of the New Wine - see my other letter to Doves for information on this day and a possible connection to Pentecost and the Rapture.

Seems the calendar of God has been lost by many.

Which calendar is correct?  Certainly not any man-made one!

Pray for the peace of Jerusalem!


