James Brownlow (23 June 2019)
"The 9th of Av and 17 Tammuz ... Part 2"

Part 1 , last week , pointed to multiple indications that the Lord desired his chosen people to enter the promised land on a certain date -- the 9th of Av. That date is August 10-11 in 2019.   Part 1 is here ---  http://www.fivedoves.com/letters/june2019/james616.htm    ...    17 Tammuz is the beginning of the 3 weeks - 21 days - of mourning which immediately precedes 9 Av and marks the idolatry and rebellion ( Numbers 13) of Israel against the Lord.  17 Tammuz was the day of the golden calf , its idolatry , and Moses breaking the  Stone Tablets with the 10 commandments . Dan. 10:1-2, 13.

Also, that this year, 2019,  begins the 70th year since the final peace agreement in Israel's war of independence - July 20 , 1949. The next day, July 21, 2019 ,  is 17 Tammuz.

One additional point has come to light. Matthew 2 , wise men from the east arrive in Jerusalem "Saying, where is he that is born king of the jews ? For we have seen his star"...  ( A sign in the heavens)..."and come to worship him." Mt 2:1-2.
Have we not seen a " Great Sign in the Heavens" Rev 12 ...42 months of gestation of Jupiter , the King planet with a giant red spot and stripes , all 42 months spent in Virgo's womb ? A comet conception in the womb on Nov 16, 2016 and 42 months later,  exiting Virgo's , the Virgin's , womb on Sept 23, 2017, the only day EVER Virgo has a crown of 12 stars, clothed by the sun and the moon beneath her feet...

Then Herod being wroth that the wise men mocked his stupidity "slew all the children under two years old and under according to the time which he diligently enquired of the wise men" Mt 2:16. 216 = 6x6x6

So the Lord was "SEEN" by wise men at about TWO years after the SIGN in the Heavens appeared. We do not know when  but our sign was 2017 and---- TWO more years is when ?  ----  He is Coming.