Garry B (23 June 2019)
"Gino re: (16 June 2019 )  'The Covenant ""


Gino re: (16 June 2019 )  'The Covenant "


I completely agree with your assertion that it is Jesus Christ , not the anti-Christ , who is the "he" in Daniel 9:27. Also notice that Daniel 9:25 states that there are 69 weeks "UNTO MESSIAH", which was completed when Jesus was baptized and began his ministry.  This means that Messiah appears at the end of the 69th week which is also the beginning of the 70th week. Messiah is then cut-off in the midst of the 70th week leaving the last  3 1/2 years of the 70th week yet to be fulfilled in the future. This fact fits perfectly with the time periods spoken of in the Book of Revelation of "times, time and half a time", 42 months, and 1,260 days.


Good work, Gino !