Fay (23 June 2019)
"The Blueprint?"

I am posting this link because of the so-called "Blueprint for war" that this woman has picked up on. Because she had a clip of Lindsey Graham actually saying these things, I decided to post this to Doves. The narrator has a pretty shaky grasp on the situation with Iran and the attitude of Israel. Like many millennials, she obviously does not know or understand the history in the Middle East. She is biased against the USA and Israel. BUT.... she has a very interesting section (several actually) of Senator Lindsey Graham actually laying out what is coming. I can see where she is going with this.

The USA will get Israel to make the first strike. Lindsey Graham was emphatic that it is Israel who will not tolerate Iran's determination to enrich their nuclear capabilities. Which Iran has now said they will do. Lindsey Graham stated that Israel will be the one to confront Iran and that the USA will follow.

I disagree with a lot of this woman's political conclusions and think she shows profound ignorance of Iran's aggressive and apocalyptic intentions.but the brilliant catch of what Lindsey Graham said - on camera - is quite something.

We must continue to WATCH. Pray for the peace of Jerusalem.

In Jesus' beloved Name.

Lindsey Graham Says Israel Will Attack Iran, And The U.S. Will Follow