Fay (23 June 2019)
"Purim, Haman, Iran"

It occurred to me - after sending the "Game Play in the ME" post, that this is exactly what happened to Haman in the Purim story. Like modern day Iran, Haman was blindly determined to wipe out the Jewish people. He thought he had it in the bag. The King thought Haman was terrific etc. Just like Obama did - granting the Iranians a "get out of jail free" card. Signing the JCPOA and lifting the sanctions. The Iranians were emboldened - filled with confidence. Strutting their funky stuff on the world stage while Israel cowered in the corner.

Until now! I am starting to understand why the super moons highlighted both Purim's this year. How the tables have turned. Just as they did against Haman. Our modern day "King" is the POTUS. Leader of the most powerful nation on the planet. He has granted Israel such empowerment. And now, he is goading Haman to his death. We all know how the Bible story ends. This current version of that ancient story is taking us to the next chapter. The final chapter. Where the TRUE King arrives.

Maranatha, LORD Jesus.