Fay (23 June 2019)
"Game Play in the ME"

Hi John and Doves,

Please understand that I don't think, for one second, that the Iranians are saints. The leaders are vile tyrants. Israel haters. Anti Christ idolaters etc. But, this goading for war in the ME is a sign they have bitten off more than they can chew. Because it certainly looks like the USA is the one poking the hornets nest. Rightly or wrongly - Pres. Trump seems determined to upend the power balance in the Middle East. The article in the link below explains it better than I could.

The 2nd link is a brief clip from Al Jazeera. The Iranians are desperate to prove that the US drone was in their air space. Something about this rings true. It would be sheer madness to invite war from the USA. Even crazy people have a sense of self preservation. After reading the article in the first link, you will wonder why Iran is expecting the international community to do anything in it's defence. As the author points out - the international community may sympathise with Iran etc., but there is no way they are willing to cross the USA. NO way. The USA market is way more lucrative to them than the Iranian one will ever be. The Iranians are sneaky and wily. Dishonest and furtive. They also think they have the West all figured out. Well - they did not bank on Donald Trump arriving on the scene.

It appears that the POTUS is more than willing to snot Iran. Is almost itching to do so. He just needs a better excuse than a simple downed drone. That is my take on it. It's going to take something bigger - like an attack on the USS Abraham Lincoln, perhaps? I posted my dream about this about 3 years ago on Doves. It remains to be seen.

Iran Is Playing With Fire

US drone shot down: Iran protests over 'provocative act'