Eliane B (23 June 2019)
"Four months and then the harvest"


Hi, John

It’s been a long time since I last posted.

Many thanks,




Four months and then the harvest


When is the true Pentecost date? When is it "fully come"?


My references are the Creation Calendar website and the Lunar Sabbath website.





In both websites, before touching the subject of the correct method of calculating when the Feast of Shavuot (Pentecost) is fully come, they first explain (with an abundance of scriptural evidence) that the 7th day of the ancient Hebrew week (the weekly Sabbath) is not equivalent to the Gregorian Calendar’s “Saturday”.


With that explained, they present the fact that nowhere in scriptures does it say that Pentecost is in spring neither that Pentecost takes place in the beginning of the 3rd Hebrew month ("Sivan"). Pentecost is a summer Feast that concludes the grain harvest. The main grain harvests in Israel were barley (which begins to ripen on the Feast of First fruits, on Nisan 16th) and wheat (which ripens in the end of the 4th Hebrew month (also called "Tammuz" after the Babylonian exile) if we’re referring to wheat planted in spring, not in fall or winter. Scripture always refer to new grain not old grain. Only wheat planted in the fall gets ripe in the beginning of the 3rd Hebrew month. Wheat planted in spring takes about 4 months to mature and this can be confirmed by the Department of Agriculture.


The Feast of Pentecost falls on the 28th or on the 29th day of the 4th Hebrew month ("Tammuz"). In 2019 this date will land on JULY 31st or AUGUST 1st (I'm not sure if it's on the 28th or the 29th of the 4th Hebrew month - it depends on there being an extra day in the previous months).
















I know that if this is the first time you come across this concept you will find it really strange. But all the scriptural references regarding calendar on the Creation Calendar website are abundant and should be carefully analyzed. Note: I'm referring to the Sabbath and Pentecost studies only. I don't necessarily agree with other views held by the author.


I’ve shared these lines because the scriptural Hebrew Feast of Weeks (Shavuot, Pentecost) hasn't happened yet in 2019.


Now let’s consider the words of our Lord in John 4:35:


“Say not ye, There are yet FOUR MONTHS, and THEN cometh harvest? behold, I say unto you, Lift up your eyes, and look on the fields; for they are white already to harvest."


Kind regards,

