Douglas Henney (23 June 2019)
"The 40 day sign of Jonah, part 8"

In Luke, Jesus expressed that no sign would be given to this wicked and adulterous generation except the sign of Jonah to the people of Ninevah.

As I read Jonah's account, I observed that the great city of Ninevah was so large, it took three days to walk around it.  In my study Bible it was expressed that Ninevah had become a massive metropolis of several cities, hence the reason for the large land area.

The Jonah account went on to say Jonah went into the city about a day's walk, preaching a simple message of judgement coming in 40 days.

When I did the math, using the circumference of a circle, the diameter is just under a third.  Basically, in one day Jonah walked straight across metropolitan Ninevah and was done with proclaiming his message.

The message was communicated only in one day.  40 days later judgement was to take place.

As Jonah was proclaiming his message, only a limited number of folks within earshot "witnessed" it.  Afterwords, the message was spread by word of mouth.

I believe this is what Jesus will do at the rapture on July 4th, across the entire planet.  However, instead doing it over the course of a full day, He will do it in a moment.  Not everyone will witness folks getting raptured, but word will spread.

Jesus Himself will accomplish the Sign of Jonah.  It will be a warning of judgement in 40 days when the first seal of Revelation will be opened, at the time around Tisha B Av.

This year, because the 9th of Av lands on the sabbath of the popular jewish calendar, they shift the "9th of Av" day of mourning forward one day to August 10/11.  It is not clear to me the exact day (the exact time the 40 days will end) when the first seal of Revelation will be opened.  40 days after judgement starts for the end-of-the-church-age Babylon on July 4th brings me to August 11/12, the day after the official time of "9th of Av" mourning.  Recall that this was the day that Columbus set sail from the Spanish coast.

As presented prior, I believe these 40 days from the Jonah sign will be a time when many will repent and become part of the body of Christ's Eve group.  However, most of the world will reject the Jonah warning, so judgement will still fall.  But, like with Lot being rescued at the last minute, I believe this Eve group will be taken up by the dove sent out from heavenly places.

Recall last year that on the night of July 27/28 was the long-lasting and large blood moon ecclipse right next to a very visible, noticeable Mars. This took place in Capricorn. The mythos of Capricorn is of a being (half fish, half land animal) who came out of the waters to walk on land in order to give wisdom to humans. This picture strikes me as a distortion of what Jonah did. Last year I knew that blood moon/mars/capricorn event was a warning of judgement coming. On July 4 this year the moon is right next to Mars again, but in the constellation of Cancer. From my readings of E W Bullinger's book Witness of the Stars, I understand Cancer to mean "the assembly is safely gathered". The sun is in Gemini on the 4th, pointing to the uniting of a couple.

What is interesting is that, thinking in terms of the timing of last year's blood moon, this year on the very same night is when the day of Shavuot/Pentecost takes place on the popular jewish calendar if they had added the 50 days after the count of 7 weeks.  This night of July 27/28 is also 24 days after July 3/4.  I am thinking of Daniel 10 here where Daniel fasts/mourns for 21 days and receives a message from one out of heavenly places on the 24th day.  I am wondering if, after the rapture, a remnant within Israel-Judah will mourn like Daniel did (realizing that the christians were right about who the Messiah is) and receive a revelation on what should have been noted by them as the true day of Shavuot, the very day their 70 years come to a close.  Each year the jews fast for 21 days from the 17th day of the fourth month up to the 9th day of Av (the 5th month).  I am thinking that this year, their 21 days of mourning will happen earlier.

Keep in mind that in the 40 days of transition, from July 2/3/4 to August 10/11/12, a lot is happening because an age is being brought to a close while another age is starting.

Until I came to understand the 7 years for Leah (at the end of which we will be with Jesus), the 7 years for Rachel (the time of the seal judgements with focus on the gentiles) and the 7 years of Jacob's Trouble (the trumpet judgements followed by the bowl judgements with focus on the chosen remnant of Israel-Judah), I was confused by Paul's decription of the rapture in terms of the Sinai event, while also during his third missionary journey he seemed so intent on getting to Jerusalem by Pentecost (he basically was hurrying through it, even telling those at Ephesus that he was not going out of his way to see them but if they wanted to visit then they needed to come over to where he was.)

Now, I am seeing that Paul, because he is not only an apostle to us as new creations in Christ Jesus, but also to the gentiles in general, and because the second set of 7 years is the last 7 years for the "time of the Gentiles", I am thinking that Paul will be coming back down after the rapture and at the end of the 40 days, or at the time of Pentecost on the Spica-Abib calendar, and he will be present to offer up a two wheat loaves wave offering as a firstfruits of the wheat harvest that will take place at the end of the second set of 7 years, when the time of the gentiles is over, and Jesus comes again to rapture that harvest of folks and take them to be with Him in Paradise.  In other words, Paul will be present as one of God's witnesses during those 7 years.  That is one reason why God sanctioned that Paul die by being beheaded, because with the rise of Islam in the Middle East during those years, a lot of folks who had embraced Jesus will be facing that and going through it.

The second chapter of Zechariah shows us that during this second set of 7 years, God will have four "craftsmen" who will he empowered by God to come against the evil one's pseudo-messiah during the 7 years focused on the gentiles.  In the scriptures, while Paul was accomplishing his missionary journeys with a focus on the gentiles, four men were prominent : Paul, Barnabas, Mark and Silas.  These four are not the two witnesses during the time of Jacob's trouble during the last 7 years.  I am wondering if these very men will be in fact the four craftsmen.  This is just speculation on my part, trying to think in terms of types/shadows.


Over the years the Spirit has opened my eyes frequently through what others in the body of Christ were seeing/learning. I am convinced that the Spirit likes to do things in such a way to encourage us to understand our interdependence in the body, while we look ultimately to Him as our Teacher and Revealer. 

These 8 parts are my attempt to put all the pieces together according to the scriptures as the foundational context.  If a good portion of what I have presented is not a benefit, then let it go.  Down here we are living through the time of looking through a "dark glass", and are all, basically, in preschool in terms of understanding the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, and the unfolding of their plan.

Jesus Himself is inside us.  He is our exceedingly great reward.  What matters is not what we know, but Who we know, or rather, that He knows us.

Praise God that Jesus is coming, and that it is soon.

God bless.


Douglas Henney