Douglas Henney (23 June 2019)
"Paul's Mount Sinai rapture clue, part 5"

Paul was an apostle to the nations. 

The disciples were apostles to the circumcision. That doesn't mean we can't learn from their writings, including Luke and Mark, but the body of Christ is to pay especially close attention to Paul's writings. Paul explains the body of Christ's union with Jesus. He is also the one to whom Jesus revealed the rapture.

Paul gives event/timing clues in I and II Thessalonians. Keep in mind, Paul knew the Old Testament thoroughly. He totally gets the importance of types/shadows in scripture, and how they relate to us. Because he is our apostle, Paul's rapture timing clues are huge! He brings a great deal of clarity as to "when".

In Galatians 1:15-16 Paul not only unholds this specific apostleship to us in the body of Christ, he also mentions that very early on, after he had met Jesus for the first time, he traveled all the way to Arabia. Why? He explains in 4:25 that this is where Mount Sinai is really located.

Mount Sinai is where Moses met God at the burning bush (see Exodus 3:12). This is also where Elijah took off to when he ran for 40 days after running away from Jezebel (I Kings 19:8).  This is also where God came down to the people in the cloud during a long trumpet blast and called Moses up.  Paul went there, I believe, to get time alone with God in order to understand his recent revelation of Jesus and his place in Jesus' plan.  Up to the point he met Jesus on the road to Damascus, his whole life had been "wrong", including all his understanding of the scriptures.

Mount Sinai is where God came down to the children of Israel in an extreme manefestation of Who He Is, and taking this people unto Himself. Jewish folks see Mount Sinai as their wedding day (it will also be ours). I believe this is where Jesus revealed to Paul about a second "Mount Sinai" event, a second wedding event, but this time it will be for the body of Christ, and it will be fulfilled on the 17th day 3rd month on the Spica-Abib calendar, July 4, 2019.

I Thessalonians 4:15 Paul writes, as he is discussing the very rapture itself, "For this we say to you by the word of the Lord . . ." Basically, he is saying "Jesus specifically showed me this". When? I believe while Paul was at Mount Sinai, because he goes on to describe the rapture event, in verses 16 and 17, in terms that show that the Mount Sinai experience of the children of Israel in Exodus 19, and in particular Moses' experience, is a type/shadow for the rapture.

Per Paul, the Lord descends, but not all the way to the ground, while a trumpet is sounding. We go up to meet God above ground, and do so by going into a cloud. Think of the Bridegroom coming for His bride here.

Again, when will this happen for us? On the 17th day of the 3rd month (see Exodus 19:1 for a timing reference point).

Per Paul, in I Thessalonians 4:17, the cloud is the gathering-place.  The event at Mt Sinai in Exodus 19 is the only possible type/shadow that fits Paul's description that I am aware of.

There is no special "hierarchical group" in the body of Christ who gets to go first. We who have come to know Jesus as Savior before the rapture will all go together on a 17th day of the 3rd month. It is so very important that we are to glory ONLY in the cross of our Lord Jesus. The body of Christ is in union with Jesus now. We each are already seated with Jesus in heavenly places, in the very Holy of Holies of all creation. Jesus alone is our righteousness. Grace, grace, grace. (This is not to say that there won't be specific "roles" that groups of specific members will get to

However, after all those who have embraced Jesus to date get raptured, there is a 40 day window during which a number of folks will repent at the sign of Jonah and embrace Jesus as Lord and Savior.  This group I refer to as the "Eve portion" of the body of Christ.  They will also be taken up, but they first have to accomplish their additional 40 days.  I will touch on this next.