Douglas Henney (23 June 2019)
"Israel's popular calendar and the Spica-Abib calendar, part 4"

I am going to present here why we must keep the jewish popular calendar in front of us if we are going to discern when Jesus will come for us, because God will indeed use it.

Keep in mind that when I refer to the popular jewish calendar, I am also referring to the framework for knowing the nations' (Noah's) calendar because they are synced together, though offset by 6 months.

Does the above mean that we are not to discern if the popular jewish calendar is inaccurate in a given year? Not at all. Doing so actually is also a benefit to seeing when Jesus may come for us, because we will see a timing-line-up of types/shadows on both, as long as keep both calendars before us. My point of this part is that we must do this.

We greatly error when we think that we must choose between the two. What I am saying is that if the jewish popular calendar is indeed off in a given year, then if Jesus does come for us in that year, the timing will dovetail both calendars. God will NOT negate the children of Israel's
God-given, authoritative place to establish the calendar. 

In Leviticus 23:2, God makes it clear that the sons of Israel are to proclaim the Feasts and by inference, the calendar itself. No one has the right to subvert this position of responsibility. 

Why do I hold so firmly to the above? I observe a number of events in Israel's history that support how serious God is about others honoring the God-given positions of those God has given responsibility to.

Think of how God dealt with the rebellion led by Korah against Moses and Aaron's God given positions of leadership? The earth opened up and swallowed them alive.

Think of how God dealt with the rebels who opposed Moses and Aaron after the death of Korah's group?  14,700 died. It would have been many more if Moses and Aaron had not rushed to intervene.

Think of how God dealt with Aaron's and Miriam's attitude against Moses? Miriam's leprosy not only meant she was going to be put out of fellowship from within the community, it was also going to unfold as an early death sentence for her if Moses had not interceded.

Think of when the Syro-Phonecian woman approached Jesus directly for a miracle. Jesus said, "No." It was only after she expressed her understanding that her place was under Israel in God's earth-based kingdom that Jesus then granted her request, praising her faith.

Now, think of the positive example of David. He was annointed king by Samuel. As David became older, the nation was not doing well under king Saul. Saul even hunted David to kill him. When David had the perfect opportunity to "make things right" by killing Saul in the cave, what did David do? He humbled himself before God and did not harm the person God had annointed to be king, even though that man was royally messing things up. David would wait on God's timing to exalt David to the throne.

So, in my thinking, since God gave the sons of Israel the responsibility to determine the calendar, I do not have the right to blow it off simply because I sincerely believe it is not accurate. God will use it AND the correct one, both at the same time.

When will Israel's calendar be restored to accuracy? When God's appointed "restorer", Elijah, shows up to correct their calendar (see Matthew 17:11).

Another "proof" that God is using their calendar is the number of times eclipses have lined up with significant dates on their calendar, and the number of tragedies that Israel has experienced on their Tisha B Av's.

I believe one reason the Father will time when we go home per the jewish popular calendar (and why He still wants us to reference it in our watching) is in order to provoke the Chosen Remnant in Israel-Judah to jealousy. Part of this will be accomplished by their identifying our going home with the timing of a type/shadow fulfillment according to their popular calendar.


I believe, by referencing Israel's popular calendar at this time, I am being pointed to the 1st day of the 10th month (the beginning of Noah's 40 days before the raven-release), which is July 3/4 in 2019.  This date dovetails with what I believe is the accurate calendar, the Spica-Abib calendar, which has this same date as the 17th day of the 3rd month, the day God came down at Mount Sinai.  This date is also when Babylon's 70 years are over.  Noah's 40 days per the popular jewish calendar matches Moses' 40 days per the Spica-Abib calendar.


I will leave it to the reader to reasearch the Spica-Abib calendar on their own.  The Youtube channel Mikal Shabbat Scriptural Studies is a good source for information.  It is the only calendar I am aware of that uses the sun, the moon AND the stars. This is important per Genesis 1:14.

Fyi, when I first learned about this calendar, I initially scoffed that the beginning of the month was the full moon.  Over time, however, I stepped back from my thinking based only on the traditions of the jews and considered this: the first time Adam experienced night time, right after he was created, did he look up and see a full moon rising above the eastern horizon as the sun set, observing the light God created to rule the night, or did he have a dark night because the moon was concealed, or a thin crescent just prior to it setting in the west just after the sun?  If he saw the full moon, would that not be a better picture, over the course of the month, of God's plan for mankind in that it started out as "light", then mankind fell which would require the sacrifice of Jesus shown by the dark moon in the middle of the month (the same time of the month of Passover), and then end with a full "light" at the end of the month showing the success of what Jesus accomplished as manefested during the 7th 1000 year reign and afterward?