Douglas Henney (23 June 2019)
"Israel's "70 years" ending, part 3."

Once I saw that my "reference point" year was 1949, I then wondered about determing Israel's 70 years.  

The foundation of my thinking in understanding these end times is through knowing the types/shadows of the scriptures.  Paul expressed a similar use of scripture in Colossians 2:16,17 and in Galatians 4:21-31.  Ecclesiastes 1:9 echos this handling of the scriptures with, "that which has been is that which will be, and that which has been done is that which will be done . .".  God even tells us that "He declares the end from the beginning".

So much is in the "Old" and "New" Testaments that point to where we are at today.

In Zechariah 1:12, an angel of God is grieved over what is happening to Jerusalem and the cities of Judah with which God had been indignant "these 70 years".  I believe that is a "Russian nested matryoshka dolls" or "fractal-like" pattern for the times we live in today.

Right now, if I reference May 14, 1949, then Israel turned "70" on May 14, 2019.  So, yes, I can say Israel is "70 years old", referencing the year she put forth leaves. Yet, is this the scriptually valid way God wants me to determine Israel's 70 years?

I have come to the conclusion, "No."  Why not?  Because I have found that God already gave us the way He wants us to calculate Israel's "70 years".  I believe He wants us to count her Pentecosts, or Shavuots.

In Daniel 9:24, the angel tells Daniel that seventy "sevens" had been decreed for your people and your holy city.  I understand that this is, on one level, pointing to a total of 490 years.  At this time where we are at there remains a final "seven", known as the time of Jacob's trouble/distress as mentioned in Jeremiah 2:27,28, 14:8, and 30:7.

AND I believe another "level" of understanding the angel's message is that one "set of seven" is a shorthand version of refering to not only the day when Shavuot (Pentecost) fully comes, but the weeks' and days' counts that leads up to it.  I am to treat the final day of Shavuit and the counting that leads up to it as "one unit of time".  Ultimately, this keeps the "day" of Shavuot tied to Jesus having established the covenant for us, with the counting starting from when He resurrected from the grave.

So, thinking in terms of Israel's "70 years" actually being determined by 70 Shavuots, including the counts that lead up to it, I then looked at May 14, 1949 (after the Enoch-year had been taken into account).  On Maý 14, 1949 Israel was in middle of the count for Shavuot.  That year I do not have a full "Shavuot unit".  So, I then start my 70 Shavuots with the one that took place in 1950.  Therefore, the 70th Shavuot "fully comes" in 2019, the same year Babylon's 70 years end.  It is precise.

I believe Shavuot fully comes July 27/28 per the popular jewish calendar and/or August 12/13 per the Spica-Abib calendar, the day after Tisha B Av (I will touch more on using these calendars later because I believe God will use both Shavuots), because I am to add 50 days after the count of 7 weeks, resulting in a total number of 99 days.  This is the reason that Jesus, in His parable of the lost sheep, mentions the detail that 99 sheep are already safe.  In terms of getting all of the "new creations in Christ Jesus" sheep the Father had given to Him out of the both the gentiles (see John 10:16) and out of the chosen remnant of Israel-Judah, He will take it all the way to when the day of Shavuot "fully comes".

This year, there ends up being 24 days between when Babylon's 70 years are up and when Israel's 70 "sets of seven" are completed per their popular calendar.  This 24 days will be one version of the type/shadow fulfillment I see in Daniel 10 where the prophet Daniel, I believe, mourns/fasts for 21 days (the chosen remnant of Israel-Judah will do this after the rapture when they realize those crazy Christians were right about who the Messiah really is) then experiences three days of a personal darkness before receiving the revelation from heaven (when the day of Shavuot fully comes for them on July 28th referencing their popular calendar).

The Spica-Abib calendar has the day of Shavuot on August 11/12, the day after Tisha B Av on the jewish calendar.  This will also be used by God.  I will go into detail in subsequent parts.

Why do I sincerely believe Shavuot is to be determined by adding the 50 days after the count of 7 weeks?  There are a number of clues in scripture.  Before I go into those in this part 3, I want to show you something in Leviticus 23:15,16 and make a point by inserting a set of parentheses.

"You shall also count for yourselves from the day after the sabbath, from the day when you brought in the sheaf of the wave offering; there shall be seven complete sabbaths. (You shall count fifty days to the day) after the seventh sabbath; then you shall present a new grain offering to the LORD."

My mind did not see the above over years prior because I had a preconceived notion based upon the widely accepted traditions of men.

It was on the correct day of Shavuot that Moses brought down the tablets from Mount Sinai.  Israel had come out of Egypt on the 15th day of the 1st month per Exodus 12:41. According to Exodus 19:1, they arrived at the base of Mount Sinai on the 15th day of the 3rd month. On the third day (the 17th) Moses went up (several times that day) and according to Exodus 24:18 he was on the mountain (it does not say "from that point forward") for a total of 40 days.  When he came down with the tablets, it was the day of Shavuot per what I am presenting.  Aaron knew he was to have a Feast Day that day but totally blew it (see 32:5).

I believe this is why God wants us to think in terms of referencing Shavuots to discern "70 years" for Israel at this time.  Shavuot at Mt Sinai was to be the official ceremonial day where they celebrated formally coming into a covenant relationship with the GREAT I AM.

To me, the day of Shavuot has a theme of being the day of a major transition.  Moses with the tablets in hand is one example.  Acts 2 shows this idea as well.  In Acts 2, with the context being so much about languages, it would not surprise me if the confusing of languages at the tower of Babel also happened the same day.

When the day of Shavuot happens this year, there will be a major transition as well.  I am thinking here, in particular, of the Spica-Abib calendar.  It will be when the first seal of Revelation is opened.  The age of grace is over.  The time of Judgements has begun.  This is August 11/12.

Another clue in scripture pointing to the need to add 50 days after the 7 sabbaths complete is in Acts 2 where Peter and the others are ridiculed as being drunk on new wine.  No grapes would be ripe enough for new wine on the traditional day of Pentecost in May/June.  Why be ridiculed as being drunk on new wine if none was available yet?

Another clue that Shavuot is to be determined by adding 50 days to the seven weeks is that God told Israel in Exodus 23:16 that the wheat loaves are to made from wheat that they themselves had sown in the field.  The families of the tribes of Reuben, Gad, and half of Mannasah were able to settle in the land of their inheritance first, about the timenof the crossingnof the Jordan with Joshua.  It had to be after the 11th month, during which Moses gave his last address (during four seperate gatherings of the people) as recorded in Deuteronomy.  He died the first part of the 12th month and the children of Israel mourned for him for 30 days, bringing us to the beginning part of the 1st month.  The families of Reuben, Gad and half of Mannasah were then able to possess their inheritance because their "men of war" went on with Joshua across the Jordan.  This was the condition Moses had set for them.  They even likely started to settle into their land after all their men were circumcised by Joshua, and the nation celebrated the first Passover in the land.

So, starting within the 1st month, the families of Reuben, Gad, and half of Mannasah would not had enough time to plant wheat and have it ready to make Shavuot's wave offering loaves out of wheat they had grown if the traditional day of Pentecost is valid.  They would have had enough time before the end of the 4th month when the correct day of Shavuot had "fully come".  And yes, they would have to get them to the high priest on the other side of the Jordan, along with their firstfruits offerings.  Reuben, Gad and Manassah were helping to keep the others supplied.

A final clue is seen when you compare Acts 2 with the events that took place when Moses came down from the mountain with the tablets in hand.  3000 died under the old covenant arrangement.  3000 came to new life in Jesus under the new covenant arrangement.

[A quick aside about the timing of when Ruth, a gentile, married Boaz, the kinsman redeemer.  Ruth 2:23 shows that it was indeed Ruth's intention to glean in Boaz's fields all the way through the wheat harvest because Naomi and her were trying to survive and so needed a way to get food.  However, if you read Ruth 4 carefully, Boaz marries her after the barley harvest is all done.  As a kinsman redeemer, he ended up "acquiring" (vs 10) as a wife, and then "took her", and she became his wife (vs. 13), without there being a betrothal period.  In other words, he married her after the barley harvest was over but before Shavuot.]

The following website gives good information.  Click on "Articles" at the side of site's screen-page, and then choose the "Pentecost" arrow-like icon to find the list of articles echoing some of what I have expressed along with additional information:

I want to explain how the 1st day of the 10th month of Noah, with its subsequent 40 days followed by the raven release, ties into July 4th this year, and what that means for what I anticipate unfolding, but first I need to touch on the most dreaded topic for so many in the "watching for Jesus" community: the calendars.