Chance (23 June 2019)
"Time For The Taurid Meteor Shower"

Hello John and Doves,

We are approaching the peak activity of the Taurid meteor shower this June.  It's being reported by numerous news outlets that there may be objects somewhere in this meteoroid stream that could potentially hit the earth - this cluster of objects is called the 'Taurid swarm'.  At a distance of 30 million kms it will be close enough for telescopes to search for this 'swarm' and identify potential Earth-harming objects.

"Starting on June 5 and running until July 18 of each year, Earth passes through a stream of meteoroids in space - bits of rock and ice left behind by a comet known as 2P/Encke as it travels around the Sun.  As these bits of comet debris are swept up by the planet's atmosphere, they produce bright flashes of light across the sky.  This is the Beta Taurid meteor shower, which reaches peak activity on June 28 - 29.

June 12, 2019  "A swarm of meteors heading toward Earth could have the potential to cause a catastrophic impact, a new study from the Western Ontario University says.  The so-called Taurid swarm is a recurring event that some scientists believe could have played a role in the biggest Earth impact in modern times, in 1908, when a space rock slammed into Siberia with enough force to destroy an entire forest."

"The Taurid swarm is a dense cluster of meteors within the Taurid meteor stream.  Earth periodically passes through the Taurid swam, and it is one of the three space phenomenons that could result in a catastrophic collision....The Taurid swarm is created when Earth passes through the debris left behind by Comet Encke...the comet's dust barrels through Earth's atmosphere at 65,000mph, burns up and creates a meteor shower.  The Taurid swarm heightens the possibility of a large collision, Western Ontario University researchers hypothesized.  This summer, Earth will approach within 30,000,000 km of the center of the Taurid swarm...Earth's closest encounter with the swarm since 1975 and the best viewing opportunity we'll have until the early 2030s."

"A new study, soon to be published in the Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society of Canada, suggests that the Beta Taurid meteor stream may camouflage dangerous space rocks."

On June 30, 1908 there was a huge explosion over the eastern Siberian taiga that leveled 770 square miles of forest.  This explosion was probably due to the air burst of a meteor - exploding some 3 to 6 miles above the earth.  This meteor was in the size range of 200 to 620 feet.  The energy behind this explosion was some 15 megatons of TNT - 1,000 times greater than the Hiroshima atomic bomb.

This explosion knocked down 80 million trees in a 830 sq mile area.  The resulting shock wave was about a 5.0 on the Richter scale.  It caused the sky over Asia and Europe to glow.

In Ezekiel 38, the prophet Ezekiel writes "on that day there will be a great earthquake in the land of Israel....the mountains will be thrown down, the cliffs will collapse, and every wall will fall to the ground.....I (GOD) will pour out torrents of rain, hailstones, fire, and brimstone....."

I have often wondered if G-d might use one of these meteor showers that the Earth passes through to fulfill various prophecies in The Revelation.  Some astronomers are speculating that the Tunguska airburst was connected to the Taurid meteor stream - that it was a large space 'chunk' that was somewhere in the Taurid swarm.

Pray for the peace of Jerusalem!



Taurid meteor shower 2019: Earth is approaching the same "meteor swarm" that may have caused an entire forest to explode in 1908 - CBS News

The Weather Network - Summer meteor shower may pack an unexpected punch

Did the Beta Taurid Meteor Shower Cause the 1908 Tunguska Explosion? | Space