Chance (23 June 2019)
"400 Year Old Prophecy - Hormuz"


Hello John and Doves,

This is the follow up letter to my 5Doves letter:  "The Month of Sivan - Rapture/Gog War?"

Rabbi Glazerson commented on a 400 year old prophecy made by a rabbi concerning a war breaking out in the Strait of Hormuz.  I did finally make out the name of the rabbi and his book:

Rabbi Shlomo Ephraim was the Chief Rabbi in Prague from 1604-1619.  He wrote a commentary to the Pentatuech - Kli Yakar, which is still popular today.  And he wrote "in the sefer Kli Paz "The Vessel of Pure Gold", "that there will be a sacrifice in Basra" that should be in the war of Gog and Magog and that it should happen or occur in a place by Basra named Hormuz....its name is Basra and it is next to Asher which is Assyria and Persia in between the boundary of the land of Edom - The Hormuz...."  (translation)

Shirat Devorah: The Straits of Hormuz

Maybe what happens in the Strait of Hormuz will spark the Gog War.  The United States and other allies of Israel are not mentioned in the Gog War in Ezekiel 38 - something happens to them.  Does a war wipe them out?  Does the Rapture incapacitate Israel's allies - the countries with a Christian majority so that they are unable to come to Israel's aid during the Gog War?  Does the evil thought of Gog come about from the 'missing' Israeli allies?  Seeing that Israel stands alone?  Hmmm.

ABCNews published an article on June 17, 2019:  "US to send 1,000 additional troops to the Middle East as tensions escalate with Iran".   "In response to a request from the U.S. Central Command (CENTCOM) for additional forces, and with the advice of the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and in consultation with the White House, I have authorized approximately 1,000 additional troops for defensive purposes to address air, naval, and ground-based threats in the Middle East,"  acting Defense Secretary Patrick Shanahan said in a statement on Monday.

There are 'rumors' that Central Command has asked the Pentagon for 6,000 additional US troops and aircraft/destroyers and the Pentagon is considering missile strikes on Iran's uranium enrichment facility in early July.  Rumors.....

Iran said that if they want to close the Strait of Hormuz they will do so publicly.  To date they are still denying attacks on the oil tankers.

"The United Kingdom is deploying a contingent of Royal Marines to protect their warships in the Persian Gulf as tensions rise between the United States and Iran.  Using speedboats and helicopters to protect Royal Navy warships and U.K. merchant vessels, 100 Marines will form Special Purpose Task Group 19 and patrol the region from Britain's new naval base in Bahrain...."

"French President Emmanuel Macron says he "regrets" Iran's announcement that it could break the uranium stockpile limit set by the nuclear deal with Iran and world powers in the next 10 days.  Speaking at a news conference in Paris, Macron said Iran so far still respects its obligations under the 2015 accord.  France "strongly encourages Iran to maintain a patient and responsible attitude", he added.  He reaffirmed he's in favor of maintaining the nuclear deal but wants new talks to encompass Iran's ballistic missile activities and the main crises in the Middle East."

Macron believes there is still time to save the Iran Nuclear Deal - that there is "a window between now and July 8 for more dialogue...."

The published an article stating "...Iran said by June 27 it would go over the uranium stockpile limit...".

So the date is June 27.  We will see if this continues to escalate.

Pray for the peace of Jerusalem!



US to send 1,000 additional troops to the Middle East as tensions escalate with Iran - ABC News

Iran says if it decides to block Strait of Hormuz, it will do it 'publicly' - Fars

UK sending Royal Marines to protect ships after oil tanker attacks

The Latest: Saudi Arabia say it intercepted 2 Houthi drones

France's Macron Urges More Dialogue With Iran, Regrets Announcements on Enrichment - The New York Times

Macron urges Iran to be 'patient', regrets announcements on enrichment | Euronews