Chance (23 June 2019)
"The Month of Sivan - Rapture/Gog War?"

Hello John and Doves,

Only 3 months of the Jewish calendar are concerned with the exodus from Egypt:  Nisan, Iyar, and Sivan.

We are in the month of Sivan now - the other two have passed for this year.  If these 3 months are involved with 'exodus' of G-d's people, will we see our exodus, Rapture, in the month of Sivan?

According to the Sefer Yitzirah ('The Book of Creation ' written in approximately 3,000 BCE), the letter which God created the 3rd month (Sivan) is 'zayin' - with a numerical value of 7. Psalm 33:9  "For He spoke, and it came to be."   So we have the number 3 and 7 associated with Sivan.  The sages refer to these numbers as 'beloved'.

Paul used the term 'beloved' - he was the disciple to the Gentiles:

Paul refers to the Christian community in Corinth as "God's beloved in Rome".  Beloved is a term often used to show the loving esteem and worth of people as the children of G-d.

Song of Solomon is about the bridegroom and bride, a prophetic description of the Rapture:

Song of Solomon 6:3  "I am my beloved's and my beloved is mine.."

"Zayin" is the letter vav with a crown on it's head.  "The gematria of crown is 620, the number of letters in the Ten Commandments."

Iran is in the news stating it will breach the uranium enrichment limit of 300 kilograms set up in the Iran Nuclear Deal within 10 days.  Maybe this will happen, maybe it won't - maybe it's bait to bring on a war in the Middle East.

In ten days it will be June 26th or 27th or 23/24 Sivan, depending on how they are counting this ten day time period.  (Using the chabad calendar that does not use the sighting of the new moon.)

Rabbi Glazerson has a recent table, June 6, 2019, of "threat of war", "Straits of Hormuz", "Iran", '5779", "United States".  He says that a rabbi 400 years ago prophesied that war would break out in the Straits of Hormuz.

Rabbi Glazerson is a bit hard to understand so I was not able to pick up the name of the rabbi/book he mentions at the start of his video - he references a 400 year old prophecy.  I tried to google what I could and came up with something similar - please see my second letter in this week's letters for more info on rabbinic prophecy concerning this war.

As for interesting dates this month, we still have the June/summer solstice - June 21 which signals the end of spring.  This will be the 18th of Sivan.  Along with the ten day count to Iran's breach of the agreement.  Anything can happen before or after that time period.

Will the Rapture occur before the Gog War?  Or will it occur after this war?  I have always hoped for before - guess we'll see.  Things may go hot in the Strait of Hormuz soon!!

Pray for the peace of Jerusalem!



Various links for the above info:

Iran says it will breach nuclear deal enrichment limit, U.S. denounces 'blackmail' - Reuters

The Month of Sivan According to the Book of Formation (Sefer Yetzirah) – GalEinai – Revealing the Torah's Inner Dimension