A Goodrick (23 June 2019)
"Between the Straits; The Three Weeks"

Dear John and Doves,
On the eve of July 20th and the day of July 21 this year,
begins a period known as "Bein ha Metzarim", meaning
"between the straits", or "between the dire troubles".
It is also referred to as 
"The Three Weeks" and ends on
August the 10th.

The 11th of August is Tisha B' Av or Ab...the destruction of the Temple.

This 3 week season commemorates the sad time when the Temple in Jerusalem was burned and destroyed.
Solomon's Temple was destroyed on the 9th of Ab (Av) in 586 B. C.

The Second Temple-- built years later --was destroyed
in 70 A. D. by Titus and his Roman forces.

Both Temples were destroyed on the VERY EXACT SAME DATE on the Hebrew calendar...the 9th of AB---655 years apart.

The Temple was the very heart of their lives...
"the desire of their eyes", just as if gazing upon their beloved one.
(Ezekiel 24).

It all began in the summer month of Tammuz...sort of like our mid-JULY

First the WALL around the city of Jerusalem was breached by Babylonian forces.
This began the siege of Jerusalem, cutting off any food to the city. Thus began a severe famine.

This also was when the well educated young men
like Daniel the prophet and friends, 
were taken captive and exiled to Babylon.

After about two and a half weeks of the siege, the
calender turned to the
month of Ab

The 1st of Ab
starts what is called
 "The Nine Days" 
when the CITY of Jerusalem was being destroyed by these foreign
This time would be like our  August, by our calendar. 
These are approximate times by comparison.

During these Nine Days of starvation, the famine got so severe that some resorted to cannibalism.

 Please see the Book of Lamentations for details. Also please see
Jeremiah Chapter 39 and Chapter 52 for this time in History.

Here is a summary of "Between the Straits".

This summer we too are "between the straits" of Hormuz.... a time of dire troubles.

Let us pray for the peace of Jerusalem, 
(Psalm 122)

and for the Psalm 91 and Psalm 27 protection for our troops in the Middle East, as well as around the world,

and for President Trump and also Prime Minister Netanyahu and the IDF,
and for the world leaders 
and militaries of NATO and our allies, 
that they all be led of the Holy Spirit, and that they --and we as well --all
"prepare to meet our God." Amos 4:12

In Jesus Name,
A. Goodrick