TH (26 June 2016)

                          AGAIN  WITH  THE  GIANTS  ?

We read in Rev. where 10% of the Giants are being held in "reserve" to be released
at the "End" to execute GOD'S Judgement upon the Earth.  That doesn't sound good.
Most believe WE will be gone before that happens as GOD has never in Biblical
History Judged the Righteous along w/ the un-Righteous.  One caveat to that however
is that JESUS did Warn of the Persecution of Christians  during the End Times.  Will
this Persecution be carried out by Giants ?  Also,  Christians will be Killed for their
belief in HIM.  Killed by these Giants ?  Also killed by beheading !  No indication of
how they will be beheaded tho'  Swords ?  Guillotine ?  I guess these Giants are strong
enough to just pull your head off.  (and apparently will have fun doing it)  Yikes !
If there isn't enough motivation already, NOT to be here, the thought of these Giants
being the head poppers, should add some extra sense of urgency to be included in the
Rapture/Sealing.  Well guess what...if you haven't already heard about this, they have
been unEarthing these Giants all over the World lately. And they are ALIVE and in
Stasis.  Also reported is that scientists are awakening them (after they have moved them into cages) and intend to have them do their "bidding" in order to Rule the
World as has always been the intent of those who worship satan who is undoubtably
assisting in this process.  These Giants are, after all his doing in the first place. Let's
not forget that satan's purpose is to replace GOD'S Creation with that of his own
making, proving to his foolish followers that he can make a better human than GOD.
Unfortunately a lot of self-centered and stupid people have bought into this lie,
believing that it was "aliens" that created man in the first place and they have come
back to upgrade us for the "New Age" of enlightenment and Earth worship.  The
fake Christ will be the one orchestrating this in public while satan remains behind the
scene empowering his halfbreed to do his dirty work. You know that GOD does have
a sense of humor, and often w/ some irony attached to it.  So guess what happens
when all the Christians (in GOD'S Plan) are done away with and the Giants are just
getting into the "swing" of head popping and don't feel like giving up their fun yet ?
Uh oh !  The fools that thought satan was their pal will be in for quite a shock won't
they.  satan will be rooting for the Giants !  Pun intended !  Time to seek HIS VOICE !

                            MARANATHA !

                                   T H