Sharon Gilbert (26 June 2016)
"Bridegroom divided by Date equals . . ."

I am on Tom Gaston's e-mail list and awhile back he found the most interesting mathematical anomaly which I have been wanting to send to
fivedoves.  I did get his permission and the math follows.  A brief summary is that he is taking the numbers of the Hebrew letters (gematria) for the word bridegroom and multiplying them and then adding the numbers of the Hebrew letters for date.  Then he divides "date" into "bridegroom".  Hebrew is the holy language in which the Bible (OT) was written while math is kind of a universal language.  I think there could be some significance in the result:

ח   ת    ן

700  400  8
8 x 400 x 700 = 2240000
ת  א   ר  י   ך

500 10  200   1  400 / total = 1111
 Now in order to find the "year" of the Bridegroom we need to use the Hebrew term date which has a gematria value of 1111, and then we will divide this number 1111 into the number 2240000.
2240000 / Divided by 1111 = 2016.2016
If you use your calculator on your phone or a desktop calculator which is able to handle large numbers. When you divide the above as I have done it will calulate......2016.2016 2016 2016 2016...etc..etc. into "infinity" which would represent "eternity."   "