Judith (26 June 2016)
"Possible September 14/15, 2016  Rapture"

WOW!! This Could be it - Sept. 14/15, 2016 Rapture
If you believe the 360/day calendar is corresponding to
the 365.25/day calendar; if you believe the calendar begins
in the month of March; if you believe the flood started
in the month of April rather than October; if you believe
the 430 years of Ezekiel is relevant to the current Jewish
calendar of 5776.7, if you believe that the 2300 days of
Daniel apply to the end times; if you believe in the
unchangeable initial dates of historic events, then this
study is for you!
I want to make this as simple as possible and will do my
best to do so. I'm just going to list the dates along with
the historic events which, IMO, completes a perfect
pattern, although there are other patterns that could
follow if these aren't the ones.  
You might want to follow this along with God's Calendar
Study - see link........
So, here goes...........
Year On Each Calendar -
On the 365.25/day calendar.......
2016.5; 5777; 6199.5
Corresponding years on the 360/day calendar.......
2045.9; 6289.9
Jewish Calendar on 360/day calendar........
Current Year on Each Calendar w/Dates & Events -
Possible Rapture Dates -
Sept. 14/15, 2016.5 & 6199.5 & 5777 - (365.25/day)
Dedication of Solomon's Temple September 15.
1 Ki. 8:2. Also the date for the Feast of
December 24/25,, 5861.3 - (360/day)
Date 1st Passover & Exodus from Egypt on the
365.25/day calendar which was March 14/15 on
the 360/day.
Also, the possible date of the Immaculate Conception
with Jesus being born on September 5 on the 360/day
and September 10 on the 365.25/day.
February 22/23, 2045.9 & 6289.9 - (360/day
Date Israel arrived at Mt. Sinai on the 365.25/day
calendar which was May 14/15 on the 360/day.
The 430 Years Of Ezekiel & 2300 Days of Daniel -
IMO I believe this phase of the study may confirm
the final end-time dates listed above. In any event,
the Jewish calendar is short 430 years.
430 Yrs. = 423.8 on the 365.25/day -
NOTE: If the Rapture and Tribulation were to begin
on the same date (September 14/15) then the
following would conclude the Tribulation period.
Otherwise we'd need to calculate the additional
time period between the Rapture & Trib. into the
concluding date below.
5777         = Rapture/Tribulation - September 14/15
+423.8      = 430 yrs. on 365.25/day - (Ezekiel 4:4-6)
+    6.3      = 2300 days - (Daniel 8:14)
-       .5      = Less 5 mos. since calendar starts March - not
6206.6         September. Includes the 75 days of Daniel.
430 Yrs on the 360/day -
5861.3    = Rapture December 24/25
+430       = 430 on 360/day - (Ezekiel 4:4-6)
+    6.3    = 2300 days - (Daniel 8:14)
-       .5    = Less 5 mos. since calendar starts March -
6297.1       not September. Includes 5 days of Daniel
It appears to me that it is more than just coincidence with
the 430 years difference in the calendar. It's an interesting
study and you may want to follow the timeline on God's
Calendar Study linked above.
There are other additional dates that have some significance
as to when the Rapture may occur, however I believe the Sept.
14/15 date may be the best one. Others include June 26/27;
July 6/7; August 5/6; August 27/28 & August 30/Sept. 1 which
are good watch dates.
If the Rapture doesn't happen by the September 14/15 date,
then we'll continue our watch, joyfully, knowing that His
coming is near.
Happy watching!