Gerry Almond (12 June 2016)
"As I See It Now."

June 11, 2016


Taking together all the information from various sources, that is, dreams, visions, observations, direct messages, and revealed prophecy in the Holy Book, it seems to me that what follows is the most probable scenario.

There is no hiding the incoming solar system any longer. It consists of a dark star, smaller than our sun, which hosts six orbiting bodies, some smaller than our moon but a couple of them larger than our earth. The dark star is called “Nemesis”. The blue orb is called the “Blue Kachina”. The orb that is larger than earth that is obiting the dark star is called “Nibiru”. It is also known as “planet of the crossing” and the “destroyer”. Finally another smaller orb of concern to us is called “Helion”. It is also called “Blue Kachina”.

This system is not aligned with our solar system's ecliptic, but is coming to us from an oblique angle and coming toward our south pole. As it intertwines, therefore, the orbs affecting us will come from our south, and loop all the way to the extreme north, then come back south again as it exits our orbital path. It may be, however, that two orbs are involved, the first coming by now, that is the Blue Kachina and the second, much larger one coming by later, like next year or even 2018.

The evidence to support this is overwhelming. There are 40 volcanoes erupting at the same time on earth now. Earthquakes have dramatically increased both in number and intensity. The elite are frantically building underground “safety” bunkers. The public is being kept in the dark deliberately to avoid panic. Storm systems are multiplying both in type, intensity and size. Sinkholes and cracks are appearing in the earth's crust. The earth's fiery center is making its way to the surface. Heat waves are getting stronger and are lasting longer. Crops are being affected and the seasons are advancing in both hemispheres due to the now known wobble of the earth on its axis. Diseases and pestilences are cropping up all over the globe.

These passages will intensity all of the above as the orbs get closer and will bring about the horrors described in the Book of the Revelation of Jesus Christ in the Holy Bible. If you want to know what is coming, read up on the events described in the seals, trumpets, and bowls of judgment found there. It is God telling us what is coming to the earth.

The rapture of the ready ones, that is the Philadelphia Christians will therefore occur just before or at the time of the destruction caused by the first orb's passage. There may be three days of darkness as mentioned several times by watchers in the past. As it is the smaller of the two orbs named “Helion”, it will cause less damage than the second called Nibiru. Nibiru will likely cause a pole shift and almost completely destroy the civilized surface of the earth. Its passage could take place in 2018 instead of 2017, depending on the orbit size, however, God promised a shortening of the days, or else no flesh would survive. And, of course, some flesh must survive in order to seed the Kingdom Age.
The Holy Bible said that when Israel and others would say “peace and safety” by way of a pact, the rapture of the ready ones would occur. The incoming system is cooperating with the peace pact countries as I write this. The time seems to have come.

In a pole shift, there are certain spots on the earth that will be largely unaffected as the magnetic pull because it will be neutralized by the magnetic push. This will depend on where a piece of land is at the time. One such piece of land will be Israel, or at least Jerusalem. There will be other pieces of land as well, but these cannot be plotted. Israel will escape because God will see to it that she does, as it is predicted in Scripture to be so.

As already said above, we are to leave in the rapture when sudden destruction comes. It has been proposed that this destruction will be nuclear. I don't think so. I think a massive worldwide shaking will be caused by the close approach of Helion, the smaller of the two bodies. That will bring about the need for our departure. There will be tsunamis, earthquakes. There will be no more civility, only scattered groups of people dodging a vicious enemy. Misery will be everywhere, but some will find Jesus Christ and be saved. The Laodicean Christians will be visited during this time for a short while, I believe, by Philadelphia saints returned by Christ to lead them through to home.

Then will come the second blow as Nibiru comes by within 27 million miles, or between Mars and Jupiter, and the magnetic force will finish what Helion started. Just as in the days of Noah, there will be pure hell on earth, period.

This is the way I see it now, based on everything watchers and seers have said and what messages from heaven have said.

Speculation, of course, but is it true???

Maranatha, please, please

Gerry Almond