Fay (26 June 2016)
"Brexit - The Truth"

For anyone interested enough, this video clip will give you the shivers. A beautifully done and informative video clip.

By the time you read this, it will be over. We Brits will have voted. Right now, who knows what the outcome will be. I waft between believing in the common sense of the British people and that our vote will be honoured and accepted............... or that the vote will be corrupt and we will be forced back into bed with the Euro Trash politicians. I highly recommend this video clip as it will educate you as to the corrupt and haphazard way all countries are run. Conniving politicians with their snouts in the money trough.  2 Timothy 3:13 Evil men and seducers will wax worse and worse, deceiving and being deceived.

Here is the link for the Bible verse and below that is the link for the video clip on Brexit. I pray that you will find time to watch and absorb:-