Angela Goodrick (26 June 2016)
"Gomer Rising -- Ezekiel 38:6"

John and Doves,

In Ezekiel 38:6 "Gomer" is listed as coming with Russia in the Magog War. Gomer is current day Germany and is listed in the Table of Nations in Genesis 10:2.

It is interesting to note that Germany is expanding the role of its Navy in the Mediterranean Sea with the power to stop, search and seize suspicious vessels.

Germany will also be helping Libya build up a Navy and Coast Guard.

This is amazing since at the end of WW2, Germany was practically demilitarized.
She did not become active militarily until 2012 when her army was allowed to handle internal conflicts. We now see them boldly taking charge in external affairs in the Mediterranean and in aiding other countries militarily... in just a few short years.

Germany is greatly increasing her military budget as she relies less on the "Transatlantic Alliance " ( the U.S.) and more on their own military alliances.
They are poised to increase the number of their new soldiers to 21,300.

Most amazing of all, is Germany's defense of Russia and her distancing of  herself from NATO ( the Western Alliance) in the following article:

Germany's Foreign Minister, Frank Walter Steinmeier, accuses the U.S. of "a bellicose policy towards Russia" and of warmongering".

Is Germany speaking out of both sides of her mouth.... or is she revealing her true loyalties to her bloodline found in Genesis 10
Time will tell.

In Him,
Angela Goodrick