1 Cor 10:31 (26 June 2016)
"Why I believe we are staring at the ANY MOMENT rapture"

Hi Doves, got busy, wasn’t sure I could find time to get back & post.  Yet, I promised…. Sooo……



First off, want to agree w/Joe Chappell from last week, as I am not a homophobic either!!  I love these people, weren’t we all created in God’s image?  He loves them!  Yet, God STILL says “no”!!  (to that chosen lifestyle!!)  We should all review Romans 1.   I hope the people I know who pursue such perverted pleasures WILL repent so they do not have to face all eternity in the Lake of Fire!!


And you did another homer, Angela Goodrich!  (though I’m not a pre-wrath believer…. Well, wait a minute, yes I am!!  I believe the Lord will rescue us out before the ENTIRE 7 years of His wrath!!)  Greatly appreciated your short piece about how we cannot keep the level of excitement up all on our own without the help of the Holy Spirit.  Mary Adams, always good to read what you write.  Frank, good to see you!  People!  You realize I could go on & on!  I don’t mean to leave others out, yet I can’t keep this up all day either, as it's not my purpose in writing this time around.



Anyway, I could sit here & write 10 pages about why I believe the rapture is super close, but if you’ve been watching for any length of time, you’re already aware of what the signs are!

Here’s a partial list, so that I don’t have to write it all out myself:  http://christinprophecy.org/articles/jesus-is-coming-soon/



And it would seem this whole world is falling apart!  People have gone stark raving mad.  Have you noticed that anywhere you go (whether online or in person) that no matter what you say – people jump ALL OVER YOU???!!!!!!   I’m taking it as though THIS is “the last straw” (gratis satan) before the rapture – b/c everybody is so polarized right now – regarding EVERYTHING!!!!!  

My DH’s own family went berserk the other night – he has 5 grown siblings and sadly their mother is very “toxic”, well the bro. who lives with her finally had enough… (he deserves a medal for waiting 2 years!!) ~ and then a sister jumped down his throat for not being more respectful …. Yada,  yada….. And:  immediately everyone took sides!!  Very unusual for the normal “Brady bunch”-like family where, at least the siblings NORMALLY get along….  The sister lives very close to us – yet I (personally) disagree with her more than I do the brother!!  She had absolutely NO RIGHT to “lecture” the brother!!  GUARANTEE YOU she wouldn’t have if she would have known the things her mother was saying about her & her own daughter in our last phone conversation!!   (the very reason I’ve decided I can’t take any more of my MIL’s calls – all she wants to do is “trash” someone in the family TO MAKE HER “sweet” SELF APPEAR SO INNOCENT!!!!   (… sadly there’s just NO repentance there whatsoever!!!)   “sighs!!”

My DH: Goodness, he tries to be peacemaker on both sides & claims there’s problems on both sides. Then we sit back & keep our distance hahha…. And let everyone else sling the mud pies….



Anyway, EVERYONE everywhere is polarized!!!  This particular U.S. election year has really brought that out in people, too.  We see or hear that on the news every single day.


Back to subject at hand of soon rapture….



Read this:



Amos 8

Amplified Bible (AMP)

Basket of Fruit and Israel’s Captivity

 Thus the Lord God showed me [a vision], and behold, there was a basket of [overripe] summer fruit. And He said, “Amos, what do you see?” And I said, “A basket of summer fruit.” Then the Lord said to me, “The end has come for My people Israel. I will spare them no longer [for the nation is ripe for judgment]. In that day, the songs of the palace shall turn to wailing,” says the Lord God. “There will be many dead bodies; in [sacred] silence they will throw them everywhere.”

Hear this, you who trample down the needy, and do away with the poor of the land, saying,

“When will the New Moon [festival] be over
So that we may sell grain,
And the Sabbath ended so that we may open the wheat market,
Making the ephah [measure] smaller and the shekel bigger [that is, selling less for a higher price]
And to cheat by falsifying the scales,

So that we may buy the poor [as slaves] for silver [since they are unable to support themselves]
And the [a]needy for a pair of sandals,
And that we may sell the leftovers of the wheat [as if it were a good grade of grain]?”

The Lord has sworn [an oath] by the pride of Jacob,
“Surely I shall never forget [nor leave unpunished] any of their [rebellious] acts.

“Because of this [coming judgment] will the land not quake
And everyone mourn who dwells in it?
Indeed, all of it shall rise up like the Nile,
And it will be tossed around [from the impact of judgment]
And [afterward] subside again like the Nile of Egypt.

“It shall come about in that day,” says the Lord God,
“That I shall cause the sun to go down at noon,
And I shall darken the earth in broad daylight.
“And I shall turn your festivals and feasts into mourning
And all your songs into dirges (funeral poems to be sung);
And I shall cause sackcloth to be put on everyone’s [b]loins
And baldness on every head [shaved for mourning].
And I shall make that time like a time of mourning for an only son [who has died],
And the end of it shall be like a bitter day.

“Behold, the days are coming,” says the Lord God,
“When I will send hunger over the land,
Not hunger for bread or a thirst for water,
But rather [a hunger] for hearing the words of the Lord.


[there are a few more verses to this chapter….]   I realize some sincere commentators wrote that Amos 8 “already happened”, yet I hardly think so!  Know of ANY other time frame in human history where the Lord made the sun go down in the middle of the day??  The Bible tells us in other places as well that the Great Tribulation will be a time of darkness.  So I full well believe this chapter in Amos is talking about “the future” ~ in fact, it is talking about a time when the Lord’s Spirit will no longer strive with Israel…. Indeed, “the end” HAS COME upon Israel!!  And it’s now time for her judgment.


Please note:  Rosh Hashanah 2023  (7 years from this year!)  falls on Sept 16-17th.  Sept 16, 2023 BTW is a Saturday ~ the “Sabbath” for observing Jews.  They will begin celebrating Rosh Hashanah same as they do their Sabbath on Friday evening, Sept. 15, 2023.

Why this bit of trivia?  Go back & reread verse 5 again!!  See if perhaps this does not sound like that particular time?


And the very opening of this chapter is how there is a bowl of (LATE) summer fruit.  Announcing the general timeframe when the Lord is no longer going to strive with them??


That same year, 2023, fall solstice begins a week later… on Sept. 23, 2023.  So you’ve got Rosh Hashanah, and then one week later, summer is over.


What am I getting at?  Well, it’s “possible”, though we cannot know for sure, yet I can’t help wondering if maybe, maybe, MAYBE the 7 year timeline of Jacob’s trouble  (yes, I full well believe it goes for the entire 7 years!!)  anyway, is it possible that it could END on or NEAR Rosh Hashanah of 2023??  Or immediately after?  Like possibly even days after?  Yet before summer officially wraps up in 2023??  Questions, questions!!



And IF SO…. Then the latest date the rapture could happen (if I calculated right!)  is October 23rd of THIS year.


B-b-but!!!  That does not account for a couple months (just my own personal speculation) that it will take for the AntiChrist-to-be to get all things prepped & ready to go.  I could be wrong about that; it may be merely a couple weeks.  Yet the Bible does indicate there’s a small space of time after the saints meet Jesus in the air before the Tribulation actually kicks in.   I expect homecomings in heaven will be very noisy & joyful!  Plus, we’ll be checking out our new homes!  We’ll be in SUCH AWE of God Himself that we will continually bow down to worship Him.  Yet, there will come a time, when a hush will fall all over heaven with the space for about ½ an hour  (per Revelation) as no one BUT THE LAMB HIMSELF will be found worthy to open the scroll……  and as Jesus opens it, the Tribulation officially gets underway…. As the AntiChrist takes his place on center stage to confirm the peace agreement between Israel & the Palestinians.


Do we really believe what so many experts tell us:  that some “stranger” is suddenly going to just rise on the scene?  Coming out of Europe?  And that he will speak and all mankind will fall down & worship him?  Possible, I suppose?  Yet, wouldn’t it be more like typical human nature for them to cozy up to a world leader who is ALREADY on the scene?  Who is known the world over?  And place their “trust in his guidance”?  As he leads them through all the mazes & calms the mass hysteria after the “disappearances”???



BTW, listen up, as this is very important!  PM Netanyahu who, for years, stood on the platform against a 2 state solution, has just recently adjusted his sails & is ready to push forward in signing a pact with the devil….. (well, this part isn’t in the news… YET….. we just know what will happen b/c the Bible tells us beforehand!!)   But it DID make the news that he is ready to move forward with a 2 state solution!!  I first saw that a couple weeks back on www.watch.org   Prophecy watchers:  THIS IS HUGE!!!!!!  I choose not to link to a certain paper, but here’s one sentence: Netanyahu claimed that while he is immediately ready to begin talks for a two-state solution, his Palestinian counterpart, Mahmoud Abbas, is not.

"I am willing to begin negotiations immediately, without preconditions. Anytime, anywhere," Netanyahu said. 

Not to worry people ~ this will not actually happen until AFTER the rapture.  Yet, the fact that Bibi is READY, WILLING, AND ABLE speaks volumes!!!!!



Now, for a somewhat touchy issue with a lot of people, I will just out & out admit that I am one of the few who thinks that America is/will be both Babylon and the daughter of Babylon.  I am not a scholar by any stretch, yet I have studied this extensively and there’s no talking me out of it.  Ultimately, far into the Tribulation – just guessing, perhaps 6 years +/- ~ then the demise of the country is NOT good, I can say!!  In fact, at that point, it will be wiped out entirely.  It “may” be as early as the sixth seal.  But most likely anywhere from 3.5 years in up to approx.. 6 years +/-.

The reason I don’t agree w/you Mathman  (should you by any wild chance be reading this??!) on the TIMING of it  (we agree on WHERE, I just don’t agree on the timing is all)  in that you think her demise will come right after the rapture…. Is b/c Jeremiah 50 & 51 is quite clear that governor will go against governor – that there will be a (2nd) civil war in this country…. that even little children will be kidnapped and kept as prisoners (hmm… out the window with the theory that ALL children get raptured unless they are clean by having at least one Christian parent??  I know that’s a big OUCH to read and I used to vehemently debate the other way, yet I want to be on the side of God’s truth!)

Further: …. That the country will receive threats year after year…. (we yawn even now, as we’re so acclimated to such!)  And at last when the Jews from here who choose to leave & return to their own country, then ultimately Iran (actually Persia in the Bible)   yet we know that’s Iran ~ along with others, but especially Iran has been appointed to “wiping out” the country.  Wasn’t that NICE of our prez. To give Iran $150. BILLION $’s (while ppl in THIS country have to scrape by!!) and give them the nuke deal??  (that will ultimately be used ON this country!!)   Paradox??  Poetic justice??


Okay, sounds like I just wrote a novel, doesn’t it?  No sir.  It’s all in the Bible.


Why am I even bringing this up?  Isaiah 14 says that the “King” of Babylon will be The AntiChrist.  Need I say more??  I firmly believe the same as www.BibleWatchman.com  (as well as many of you) as to whom is the most likely candidate!   I believe he was raised for such a time as this.  I believe he was supernaturally protected from the get-go as he came on the scene.  I was not surprised in the least when he won a 2nd time.  Others were.  I expected it.  Further, it does not specify that the AC position will be the UN president, which leads me to think that the rapture will happen before the reigns are changed … most likely before the fall elections, while the king of Babylon is still the king of Babylon!!  And if so, then at that point…. You know the drill!  Martial law…. Elections suspended indefinitely! 


I realize this may be too far out there for some of my own friends.  Goodness, even THIS LATE in the game – I know Christians who sit on the sidelines & YAWN ~ when I dare mention anything about Bible prophecy!!  I will just never, never, never understand their complacency.  I “get” that we HAVE to keep up with regular life & routine day to day living!!  OF COURSE!!  That’s a given!!  Clear up to the end.  But what I don’t understand is their not having any desire whatsoever to hear or talk about it, no desire to soon depart this world & go to heaven, in fact they QUICKLY change the subject!  Oh goodie, guess which football team is going to be tops this season??!!  Et al…. sarcasm….

Oh well, there’s a crown in store for you & me and those of us who LOVE the appearing of Jesus Christ!   (Ref: 2 Tim 4:8)


Well, anyway: where does Britain (Brexit) fit into all of prophecy?  I can only say I wish I knew!  I’m not totally sure, to be honest.   I DO know that Britain will be extensively HUMILIATED after what happens to her “daughter”!!  (ref: Jer. 50:12)  ß that verse alone should be enough to give the naysayers (who claim America is NOT in the Bible)  a second pause!!  To my knowledge, there is NO OTHER country in the world that has been birthed by another!


Anyway, so “there you have it”, the reasons I tend to wonder (hope & even expect!)  that the heavenly horn is finally about to sound!!  Also you know the verse that the Lord will come at such a time as you “think not”?  I still find it quite interesting that so many prophecy boards have slowed to a small crawl these days!  Did people finally just get tired of watching?


Redeeming not only the days ~~ but “the moments” now!!


May it be so, Lord!  May it be so!



P.S. ~ I realize this is choppy writing for me to not place this in the body of this essay, yet go back & reread v. 8 of Amos….. then see if it doesn’t sound eerily similar to Revelation 11:

12 And the two witnesses heard a loud voice from heaven saying to them, “Come up here.” Then they ascended into heaven in the cloud, and their enemies watched them. 13 And in that [very] hour there was a great earthquake, and a tenth of the city fell and was destroyed; seven thousand [e]people were killed in the earthquake, and the rest [who survived] were overcome with terror, and [f]they glorified the God of heaven [as they recognized His awesome power].


Amos 8:8 
“Because of this [coming judgment] will the land not quake
And everyone mourn who dwells in it?
Indeed, all of it shall rise up like the Nile,

And it will be tossed around [from the impact of judgment]
And [afterward] subside again like the Nile of Egypt.



Hmmm…. Indeed!!


Yes, I agree with you, Amy Van….. oh goodness!!  How do you SPELL  your name??  /smile!  The rapture FORECASTING lady!!  You’re a weather forecaster by career.  Anyway, I agree that it’s as you think that the 2 witnesses will be here for the LAST part of the 7 year Tribulation – yet they will be on the scene a little before mid-tribulation….. and be killed (and resurrected) just a bit before it all wraps up!!  IF these 2 are meant to correlate, then there’s our proof right there.


Folks, it’s almost a no-brainer!!  If the Tribulation is to wrap up in (very) late summer  (let’s speculate & say in 2023!) …. Then it’d need to start 7 years before  (also in summer??)


I am personally expecting to hear the 1 Cor 15:52 trumpet of heaven BEFORE Rosh Hashanah of THIS year!!  


Anyone wanna’ say “Amen”??



BTW, if you think of it, I’d greatly appreciate a petition brought to the Throne – because I furiously “get beat up” (by the devil) any time I post!  I’m asking for Psalm 91 protection! Thank you.


Lastly, I’ll pray this has blessed somebody…. It has taken me literally HOURS to write all this!!  So prayerfully this will be my last posting at Doves…. Interrupted by the rapture!