TH (28 June 2015)


We hear tell of all kinds of "healings" taking place in a variety of churches.....
...(denominations) and many are videoed even, and "look real".  People seem
to be genuinely healed after the preacher puts his hands on them in some way.
They faint, fall to the floor, and some shake uncontrollably and then appear to be
healed from whatever. Is this True?  Are people actually being "Healed"? Well, it
says in the BIBLE that this would happen, that some would do MIRACLES in HIS
NAME, but that HE tells them, when HE sees them face to face that "HE NEVER
KNEW THEM". HIS WORDS imply that these "miracle healings" are indeed REAL.
So how can Healings happen without the HOLY SPIRIT doing them or at least
Sanctioning them? Of course they don't occur without HIS KNOWLEDGE because
HE is ALL KNOWING, but apparently HE does NOT KNOW the "Healer" on a
Personal Heart to Heart basis. If HE DOES NOT INDWELL them, how can their
Preaching and Testimony be valid?  IT CAN't BE !  PERIOD !  Yet people flock to
these phonies by the thousands...The "Christian Networks" are showing them all
the time. I won't name or list them for obvious reasons...I don't have know
who they are and have watched them yourself....I have too.  Some look real, others
not so much, but to those present, they seem to believe it. Cheering, applause and
tearful praise follow the event and let's not forget the collection plates.  I don't know
for sure, but I would bet that the more spectacular the "healing", the bigger the pot.
So who is really doing the "healing" if not the HOLY SPIRIT?  The unholy spirit ?
Who else !  If he wants a false message to continue from the pulpit, he knows he
has to re-enforce that false message by validating it with miracle healings. Are some
of these Healings real? I think "some" are, but how do we tell the difference? 
The VOICE of the HOLY SPIRIT in our Hearts tells us whether they are real or not.
We have no other way of discernment.  In fact, without HIS VOICE, we are able to
distinguish very little. We NEED TO HEAR our Shepherd's Voice in order to OBEY
HIM and survive SPIRITUALLY in this day and age AND we want to be able to 
                          HEAR  HIM say COME UP !    SEEK HIS VOICE !

                                    MARANATHA !

                                            T H