Randy (28 June 2015)
"My Book, UPDATED to include Daniel's 69 weeks of years pointing EXACTLY to Sept 23, 2015.  Free Download."

Book Link:  http://thelastpieceofthepuzzlebook.com/index.html
Facebook Link:  https://www.facebook.com/pages/Blood-Moon-Rapture-Window/479087318886744
Here is the Detailed Index:
THE LAST PIECE of the PUZZLE - Bible Prophecy and the Return of Jesus Christ
1)      Chapter 1 - So Come on!  The Bible says, “I will come like a thief in the night” and “No one knows the time.”   So why even write this book?
a.       Jesus scolded the Jewish leaders of His day for not knowing the “signs of the times”
b.      If you’re going to quote “He will come like a thief in the night” you better read the whole verse!
c.       >From the book The Equation:  “Eido” is misquoted.  It should read “Jesus said no one knows what hour the Lord doth come…..until NOW!”
d.      Why Prophecy Matters.
2)      Chapter 2 -  What do the Jews know, that we Christians do not?
a.       The Seven Holy Feasts of the Jews
b.      Pre-Trib, Pre-Scmib!  Why should I care? 
                                                               i.      Our Blessed Hope – Why the Rapture is Pre-Trib
c.       Why the Feasts of the Jews point to the fall feast of Rosh Hashanah
d.      The Jewish Wedding Story
3)      Chapter 3 - How did God “Seal up” those words in Daniel 12: 4 until the time of the End?
a.       In the Calendars -  Book, the Divine Calendar         – discussion
b.      In the Bible – Book, The Equation                                – discussion
c.       In the Signs in the Heavens – Book, Blood Moons  – discussion 
d.      Dates from the Bible that pointed exactly to when Jesus would ride into Jerusalem
4)      Chapter 4 - Who has the “Keys” to Unlock Daniel’s Words?
a.       The First key:                     The Feasts of the Jews – The critical foundation block for End Times Prophecy
b.      The Second Key:              The Jewish Wedding Feasts – Jesus told His Disciples how it would happen
c.       The third Key:                    The Divine Calendar – Codes hidden in the Calendars
d.      The Fourth Key:                The Equation – Codes hidden in the Bible
e.      The Fifth Key:                    Jonathon Cahn:  The Harbinger and the Mystery of the Shemitah
f.        The Sixth Key:                   Mark Blitz:  Blood Moons – Signs in the Heavens
g.       The Seventh Key:            Putting together all the pieces of the puzzle
5)      Chapter 5 - How Close Are We?
a.       So why is this “the” generation to see the return of Jesus Christ?
b.      How did the three Wise Men know to be watching>?
c.       A lot of people are now looking at September 2015.  Why?
                                                               i.      Jonathon Cahn books    – discussion
                                                             ii.      The Equation Book          – discussion
                                                            iii.      Mark Biltz book                 - discussion
d.      How Near are we?
e.      Daniel’s 69 Weeks of Years Points EXACTLY to September 23, 2015 !
6)      Chapter 6 - What Happens Once We’re Gone?
a.       God’s Purpose for the Tribulation
7)      So, What do we do know?
a.       First things first.  Are you Saved? 
b.      So, what do you tell your friends about the Second Coming of Jesus Christ?
c.       Scoffers in the End Times
d.      Fortunately, there remains little time to “wait and see”  no matter how you look at the timing.
8)      Resources and Links – to online websites and articles
ONLY 10 weeks until Sept 13......and the "2 weeks that could change the world!"     Tic Toc,
YFIC,  Randy