Paul Wilson (7 June 2015)
"July 4th a begining and end??"

In 1776 America was born on July 4th now 239 years later after yet another flipping off of God by the government will God’s righteous and well deserved judgment bring about her demise on that very same date??? How much longer can a nation expect to survive when she says to God essentially ‘my way or the highway’????? Now that we have, by judicial decree, become the United Sodomite States of America how can we ask God not to visit the same righteous judgment upon our land the original Somite nation had visited upon it???
Funny I always thought the first ‘S’ in USSA would be for socialist. I am glad my grandparents never lived to see this day. If ever a nation other than Israel was blessed it was us and if ever a nation other the Israel turned from those blessings to curse God it is us. Look around you ate what is legally allowed to be done and celebrated openly in our nation – How can anyone honestly call this a ‘Christian nation’??????
Some might try to point to Abraham’s so call negotiation with God over some getting him down to 10 righteous people well A) God will do his will regardless you can’t negotiate his will with him [he isn’t a democratic God whose entire will and objectives are up for debate and vote] B) we couldn’t even find 5 righteous on the court bench! I expect churches and more religious minded business owners to face persecution tout sweet with the audacity of the sodomites you may see the first churches attacked on Monday.
Paul Wilson