Neil Lipken (28 June 2015)
"A pastor who "gets it" as to the times we are living in!"

It is so refreshing to encounter a pastor who "gets it" about the lateness of the hour in these End Times!  This pastor is an Arab Christian who has a church in Hawaii, and this sermon was just this past Sunday morning.  The sermon is about the importance of this September on the prophetic time line.

So many pastors are clueless about where we are in time right now, and many are actually hostile to anything relative to these End Times!  These pastors want to make sure that nothing the least bit "controversial" is said from their pulpits so that more people will walk in.  The "building fund" is of paramount importance so that more beautiful church buildings can be built!

James 3:1

"Let not many of you become teachers, my brethren, knowing that as such WE SHALL INCUR A STRICTER JUDGMENT."