Melissa Costa (28 June 2015)
"Fay's  Post on CERN"


A few year's back, I posted about a vivid dream/vision I'd had.  In it I was standing on my front porch looking up.  It was late afternoon and I saw two discs in the sky.  They were huge (or very close).  The one on the left was solid black with a thin red ring around it (like an annular eclipse).  The one on the right probably put people off because my description was that of a square container of luncheon meat (like baloney) with a water like circular center.  I believe I said that it looked like a portal of some kind.

When I watched the video you posted, I saw that CERN has a sculpture of a square with a 3-d circular spiral in the center.  It immediately reminded me of that part of my dream/vision.  Maybe what I saw wasn't so weird after all!

Thanks, Fay!

Melissa Costa